14 February 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

CFDP standard updates and SOIS file and packet store services

14 Feb 2014, 11:40
Newton 2 (ESTEC)

Newton 2


ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk ZH, Netherlands


Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division)


The CCSDS file transfer standard – CFDP and the CCSDS file and packet store Standard were developed specifically to support mission requiring file based operations. CFDP is now a well-accepted file transfer standard in wide usage by many missions. As part of the normal review cycle of CCSDS recommendations CFDP is now under update, firstly to remove features that are better supported by new protocols and secondly to add features requested as a result of operational experience. The CCSDS file and packet store standard defines a set of file and packet store services typically required when using an onboard mass memory. This presentation will identify the changes presently being made to the CFDP and highlight the services specified for mass memory management

Primary author

Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division)

Presentation materials