TanDEM-X for Tree Height Mapping in the Parklands of Burkina Faso

16 Nov 2023, 17:00
Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Sapienza University of Rome Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering Via Eudossiana 18 00184 Rome Italy
Forestry Agriculture


Maciej Soja (Wageningen Environmental Research)


Mapping of tree height is of great importance for management, planning, and research related to agroforestry parklands in Africa. In this work, we study spotlight-mode TanDEM-X data for tree height mapping in Saponé, Burkina Faso, a test site characterised by a low average canopy cover (~15%) and a mean tree height of 9.0 m. Seven TDM acquisitions from January-April 2018 are used to create high-resolution (~3 m) maps of interferometric phase height and mean canopy elevation. A model-based processing approach is developed, compensating for some effects of the side-looking geometry of SAR. Compared with phase height, mean canopy elevation provides a more realistic canopy height map, a better tree positioning accuracy, and better tree height estimation performance when assessed using 915 trees inventoried in situ and representing 15 different species/genera. Two bias effects are observed, discussed, and compensated using empirical models. The best-performing model using only TDM data provides tree height estimates with a standard error (SE) of 2.8 m (31% of the average height) and a correlation coefficient of 75%. The estimation performance is further improved when TDM height data are combined with in situ measurements. This is a promising result in view of future synergies with other remote sensing techniques or ground measurement-supported monitoring of well-known trees.

Primary author

Maciej Soja (Wageningen Environmental Research)


Martin Karlson (Linkoping University) Jules Bayala (CIFOR-ICRAF) Hugues Bazie (University Joseph Ki-Zerbo) Josias Sanou (INERA) Boalidioa Tankoano (Nazi Boni University) Leif Eriksson (Chalmers University of Technology) Heather Reese (Gothenburg University) Madelene Ostwald (Chalmers University of Technology) Lars Ulander (Chalmers University of Technology)

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