9:15 AM
Simulation of Electrostatic Charging of Test Masses in the LISA Mission
Henrique Araujo
(Imperial College)
9:45 AM
Geant4 Application to Low Background Experiments Underground and in Space
Alexander Howard
(Imperial College)
10:15 AM
Requirements from Geant4 for Calculating Charging Rates in Space Missions
T Sumner
(Imperial College)
10:45 AM
Polarisation Process in the Geant4 Low Energy Electromagnetic Classes + Compton + Rayleigh + Photoelectric + Pair production
Gerardo Depaola
(University of Córdoba)
11:15 AM
Geant4 Simulation of High-Energy Gamma Ray Experiments
Francesco Longo
(University of Trieste and INFN)
11:45 AM
Geant4 Application for X-Ray Astronomy Satellite Astro-E2
Masanobu Ozaki
12:15 PM
Space Applications at NASA/GSFC Using Geant4
Brian Fodness
2:15 PM
Modelling Packaging Effects on Proton Irradiation Response of NMRC RadFETs
Ana Keating
2:45 PM
A Simulation Tool to Predict Displacement Damage Effects in Electronic Components
K Thiel
(University of Cologne)
3:15 PM
Status of the DESIRE Project: Geant4 Physics Validation Studies
Tore Ersmark
(KTH Stockholm)
4:10 PM
Geant4 Applications for Propagation of Cosmic Rays Through the Earth's Magnetosphere and Atmosphere
Laurent Desorgher Desorgher
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:40 PM
Interaction of Protons of about 1 GeV with Thin and Thick Targets: Simulation by Geant4 and Comparison with Experimental Data
L.N. Latysheva
5:10 PM