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10–11 Jan 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Metals from spacecraft reentry in stratospheric aerosol particles

10 Jan 2024, 14:30



Daniel Murphy (NOAA)


We measured metals that vaporized during spacecraft reentries in stratospheric sulfuric acid particles. Over 20 elements from reentry were detected and were present in ratios consistent with alloys used in spacecraft. The mass of lithium, aluminum, copper, and lead from the reentry of spacecraft was found to exceed the cosmic dust influx of those metals. About 10% of stratospheric sulfuric acid particles larger than 120 nm in diameter contain aluminum and other elements from spacecraft reentry.

I will show these results and discuss why we are confident that the metals come from vaporization rather than direct production of tiny particles during reentry. The distribution of the metals provides information on coagulation and mixing in the mesosphere. Finally, I will discuss in general terms some of the possible impacts on the stratosphere.

Primary author

Daniel Murphy (NOAA)

Presentation materials

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