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10–11 Jan 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Forecasting re-entry traffic and single events

10 Jan 2024, 10:10



Silvia Sanvido (IMS Space Consultancy)


Nowadays the space debris mitigation paradigm implies that what goes up to low Earth orbit must come down. Years of research have focused on concepts to make objects fall apart when they re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, so called design for demise, but surprisingly little is known on the type, amount, and sizes of small articles created in the process.

This presentation is aimed to provide an overview of the methods commonly used, and associated data available, in forecasting future space traffic. This is commonly done to forecast the evolution of the space debris environment and as a side effect include the expected number of re-entry events. In addition, some upcoming re-entry events will be observable, and community feedback is sought on opportunities to directly address questions related to atmospheric pollution.

Primary authors

Silvia Sanvido (IMS Space Consultancy) Stijn Lemmens (European Space Agency)

Presentation materials