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10–11 Jan 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Exploring composition and dynamics of the middle atmosphere with ICON-ART and CAIRT

11 Jan 2024, 09:50



Dr Miriam Sinnhuber (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)


In this talk, we will provide a short summary of the capacities of the composition-climate model ICON-ART and the proposed Infra-Red Tomography instrument CAIRT to investigate middle atmosphere composition, and how they can be utilized to analyze the impact of spacecraft re-entry.
ICON-ART is a composition-climate model combining the aerosol, radiation and trace gas module ART developed at KIT with the numerical weather prediction and climate model ICON developed by the German Weather Service DWD and the MPI-M. ICON is defined by its icosahedral-triangular grid structure with a standard horizontal resolution of 80/160 km globally for climate simulations, 13 km for weather prediction. Additionally, regional refinements down to one km are possible. The model top is at 75 km in the standard, at 150 km in the “upper atmosphere” setup. ART provides aerosols, PSCs as well as different solutions for atmospheric chemistry ranging from simple tracer lifetime approaches to a full consideration of atmospheric chemistry using the very flexible MECCA chemistry solver.
CAIRT is one of two candidate missions for ESAs Earth Explorer 11, currently undergoing Phase A studies. An IR limb imaging instrument, CAIRT will simultaneously observe the atmosphere from the upper troposphere to the lower thermosphere, providing a 3D-view of temperature, a large number of trace gases as well as aerosol properties.

Primary author

Dr Miriam Sinnhuber (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)


Prof. Björn-Martin Sinnhuber (CAIRT-team) Dr Stefan Versick (KIT)

Presentation materials

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