Oct 16 – 18, 2024
CNES - Toulouse
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


31th SPINE Workshop Registration

Dear Colleagues and Friends of the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Network in Europe !

We are happy to announce that the 31th SPINE workshop, co-organised by CNES, ONERA and ESA, will take place from October 16th 13:00 until October 18th 13:00 at CNES Toulouse, France. 

Registration to the workshop and call for contributions (see indico website below) will open on Friday 31st May, and run until Friday September 27th, 18:00 CEST- please note that there will be no extension possible.

The SPINE workshop is a European forum addressing all topics related to spacecraft plasma interactions. 

This year, the workshop will fit within the COMET-CNES Atmospheric and Space Environment community (https://www.comet-cnes.fr/en/env).

Feel free to forward to potentially interested colleagues.

Should you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us! 
Take care and ..Hope to see you in Toulouse in October!
Best Regards

The 31st SPINE organising committee

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