8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Operational implementation of Space Traffic Management services

9 Oct 2024, 09:30
Highbay (Erasmus)



Collision Risk Management Zero Debris


Sylvain Delattre (LEOLABS)


Space traffic has grown exponentially with new, innovative companies launching thousands of satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO). The number of spacecrafts has grown from 800 in 2019 to 5000 in 2022 and has doubled in one year up to more than 10 000 active satellites in orbit in 2023. This exponential growth must not lead to a disaster and the ESA Zero Debris initiative liaise as a meaningful contribution towards space safety and sustainability.
As a key industrial player in that domain, LeoLabs has built the world’s largest commercially owned object catalog and advanced space operations platform for LEO. Over years, Leolabs has demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing space safety and sustainability. We have a proven track record of delivering real-time conjunction alerts, orbital data, and operational insights throughout satellites’ mission life cycle. Nearly 70% of satellites rely on our platform and expertise to effectively plan, safely execute, and continuously monitor their operations.
This paper will present how Leolabs’ services and infrastructure actively contribute to global space traffic coordination. It will focus on our ability to follow high standards for Space Traffic Management and provide a data that is accurate, low-latency, continuous and ubiquitous. The paper will also highlight how Leolabs contributes to the progressive achievement of ESA’s Zero Debris Charter targets for 2030, in particular its capacity to grow with the rising space congestion expanding its radar network and enhancing space traffic management supporting technologies.

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