8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

MICE-LITE: Reducing mass of the Mechanical Interface for Capturing at End-of-Life to facilitate its integration with small satellites

10 Oct 2024, 09:50
Highbay (Erasmus)



Design for Removal Zero Debris


Mr Leonardo Valencia Restrepo (AVS Next)


MICE (Mechanical Interface for Capturing at End-of-Life) is a single-part passive grapple fixture designed for enabling the capture and de-orbiting of satellites at their End-of-Life or in a premature malfunction by a Servicing Spacecraft in case the satellites cannot deorbit by themselves.
The latest version of MICE was the Qualification Model (MICE-Q) developed and qualified in 2023 for the Copernicus Sentinel Expansions missions. Due to the nature of these big satellites and the associated mission constraints, MICE-Q is made of stainless steel 15-5PH H1025 for surviving the high structural and thermal loads and the long lifetime missions.
In April 2024, a feasibility study to design a MICE version for small satellites started by the consortium composed by GMV and AVS, with the main goal of reducing the mass respect previous MICE-Q design, but keeping the main geometrical features in order to enable the compatibility with the existing active interface.
A trade-off analysis has been performed with four geometry alternatives and each geometry analysed with three candidate materials: 15-5PH H1025, Al7075 T73 and Ti6Al4V. The criteria for choosing a baseline design have been : Manufacturability, Compatibility to active side, Thermo-structural performance, Demisability, Capture functionality, and Electrical continuity.
As a result of the trade-off, a baseline design made of Ti6Al4V has been chosen, with a total mass of 0.304 kg, an overall mass reduction of 0.417 kg compared with MICEQ mass of 0.721 kg.
The proposed design for MICE-LITE optimises the interface geometry and material while keeping all driving characteristics of the original MICE-Q and requiring minor modifications on the active capture mechanism. The significant reduction in mass will place MICE-LITE in a position to potentially equip a much larger number of satellites that could then be eventually captured and deorbited at their End of Life.

Primary authors


Mr Arkaitz Larman (AVS Added Value Solutions) CRISTINA Ortega (AVS) Mr Danel Juarez (AVS Added Value Solutions) Iñigo Sard (AVS)

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