8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

DARK: Deorbit ARkadia's Kit

9 Oct 2024, 16:20
Highbay (Erasmus)



De-orbit and Passivation Technologies Zero Debris


Sergii Kamenskyi (Arkadia Space)


DARK: D eorbit AR kadia’s K it


Arkadia Space develops and manufactures a line of novel monopropellant and bipropellant propulsion systems based on 98% hydrogen peroxide (HTP). A truly green propellant, offering high performance at a fraction of the cost when compared to current hydrazine-based systems.

This innovative technology is a result of successful collaboration with the European Space Agency on multiple projects and contracts over the past three years (currently Arkadia has started 3 contracts with ESA). Furthermore, Arkadia Space is backed by great investors like SpaceTech VC Expansion Ventures, or space veterans like Antoine de Chassy, founder of Loft Orbital and Pedro Duque, first Spanish astronaut.

At this paper, Arkadia Space would like to present the DARK deorbit propulsion kit that has been built using the in-house developed 5N monopropellant thruster. DARK can operate incorporating one or two 5N thrusters, providing a total maximum thrust at BOL of 16N.

The majority of the main components, including the 5N thrusters, HTP tank, safety and drain valves have been independently developed and manufactured by Arkadia Space team.

Multiple ground tests of mentioned components show exciting compliance not only with tasks of Attitude and Reaction Orbital Control for satellites, collision avoidance and de-orbiting manoeuvres of space platforms at the end of their lifespan, but also a good fit for autonomous rendezvous and docking operations in space, crucial for in-orbit servicing and logistics.

DARK system is currently undergoing final testing in preparation for a demonstration flight scheduled for 2025. This deorbiting propulsion kit, targeted for small satellites of 50kg and more, offers a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional hydrazine-based systems to mitigate space debris, both as a deorbiting device or as a collision avoidance kit.

Primary author


Sergii Kamenskyi (Arkadia Space)

Presentation materials