8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Managed Recycling Orbit operated as a Multi-Agent System

10 Oct 2024, 10:05
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Circular Economy IOS


Marek Gebura (Space scAvengers)


The "Managed Recycling Orbit operated as a Multi-Agent System" introduces a groundbreaking approach to space debris management. This concept is built on three foundational pillars:
1. Dedicated Orbital Zone: A designated orbit serves as a central hub for aggregating, processing, and recycling space debris, transforming defunct satellites and rocket bodies into cooperative objects prepared for manipulation and recycling, laying the groundwork for in-orbit resource utilization.
2. Managed Constellation: This pillar envisions a dynamic, adaptive constellation of defunct space objects and managing platforms, repurposing these objects as both materials and modular platforms to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. It alleviates the threat posed by debris while introducing a novel infrastructure for future space missions and construction projects, showcasing innovation in addressing environmental challenges.
3. Multi-Agent Cooperative Systems: Advanced multi-agent systems ensure efficient and autonomous debris management and recycling, facilitating services like repositioning, sorting, and processing debris into reusable objects. Through AI and machine learning, these agents orchestrate the transition from debris to resource, embodying efficiency, collaboration, and technological advancement. The mission establishes the pioneering role of the Junkyard Operator, offering innovative services such as debris repositioning, liability transfer, and hosting recycling demonstrations, paving the way for a sustainable future in space exploration.
The consortium of Space scAvengers, Telespazio, and VZLU is currently focused on the initial recycling use case for the MRO-MAS combination, demonstrating how this approach can effectively transform space debris into reusable resources.

Primary authors

Marc Niezette (Telespazio Germany gmbH) Marek Gebura (Space scAvengers) Michal Mlaticek Mr Olivier Tremuilhe (Vyzkumni a zkusebni letecky ustav - VZLU) Tomas Balog

Presentation materials