8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Life Cycle Assessment and eco-design of terrestrial and satellite video distribution

9 Oct 2024, 11:30
Auditorium (Erasmus)



LCA in Projects EcoDesign


Mrs Natacha WONNEBERGER Romain Tison


The development of the use of OTT (over-the-top) video services is illustrated by the exploitation of an impressive figure of 70% of the internet backbone bandwidth. Although there is room for eco-friendly improvement, as often users are provided with a unicast mode, a challenge remains on how to avoid congestion on distribution networks, thus requiring anticipating new investments and potentially new solutions.
Along with the rapid growth of OTT, the environmental impacts of digital services, and by extension video services, have become a major concern in our society. Searching for new ideas for more sustainable video distribution solutions is necessary to best accommodate the needs for more services taking the environmental impact into considerations.
This presentation will show an example of Phase A telecom study which included environmental evaluations of video distribution services.

Primary author


Presentation materials