8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Life Cycle Analysis in PLM

9 Oct 2024, 14:20
Auditorium (Erasmus)



Tools and Strategies for Ecodesign in Space EcoDesign


Mr Matthew Sullivan


Product design decisions significantly influence the environmental performance of a product from "Cradle to Grave". However, during this critical phase, designers often face a lack of environmental data and context, coupled with long feedback loops regarding the design’s impact. Addressing these challenges offers substantial potential for reducing environmental impact.

Integrating a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool into a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system offers a practical solution. This integration aligns with the PLM principle of a “Single Source of Truth” and brings sustainability considerations to the forefront of the early design stages. It enables designers to access sustainability information during the part/product design process, even without prior LCA experience.

CIMPA PLM Services has developed a solution within a PLM toolset that features a simplified interface, abstracting the complexities of LCA and providing an instant single score for new designs or revisions. This approach enhances the accessibility of LCA, shortens the sustainability performance feedback loop, and promotes eco-design principles.

The results obtained from the streamlined LCA can be represented across the Bill Of Material and in multiple visual formats, as well as being overlapped with the Digital Mock-Up to create a true LCA Digital Twin.

CIMPA aims to showcase this solution, demonstrate its applicability to space applications, and explore further development to meet the needs of ESA and its suppliers.

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