8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Evolution in Environmental Regulations - Update from ESA REACH Officer

8 Oct 2024, 17:00
Auditorium (Erasmus)



Introduction EcoDesign


Premysl Janik (REACH Officer at European Space Agency)


In the course of implementation of the Green Deal, the EU’s regulatory framework expanded significantly. RoHS Directive, REACH and CLP regulations are undergoing revision processes, addressing Chemical Strategy for Sustainability, while new initiatives such as Sustainable Product Initiative (SPI) and relevant delegated acts addressing European Circular Economy Plan are piling up.
The scope of this contribution is to highlight the impact of current and upcoming chemical regulatory amendments on the space industry, focusing on EU REACH but also on global legislative measures, such as POPs/Stockholm convention and others.
Special attention is dedicated Bisphenol A and its derivatives, per- and polyfluoro alkyl substances (PFAS, including fluoropolymers), D4, D5 and D6 cyclic siloxanes, and other chemicals essential for production of advanced polymeric materials relevant for many space applications. Coordination efforts in frame of Materials Processes Technology Board (MPTB) in relation to chemical legislation and obsolescence monitoring will be mentioned.

Primary author

Premysl Janik (REACH Officer at European Space Agency)

Presentation materials