8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SAVOIR FDIR handbook: update for CPO like 1

10 Oct 2024, 16:20
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Guidelines, Policy and Market for ADRIOS IOS


Silvana Radu (ESA)


FDIR and system engineering are transversal disciplines that complement each other. System engineering aims to develop a system with the purpose of behaving in a way that achieves mission objectives and system requirements, while FDIR engineering aims to cover the unwanted behavior which may prevent the system to achieve its goals. FDIR engineering is a viewpoint of system architecture and follows similar processes and schedule. Adequate health management can be complex to handle, requiring a specific mindset, especially when addressing concerns or conditions that vary significantly depending on mission. After several years of use, ESA, together with agencies, industrial and academic organizations, decided, through the SAVOIR Advisory Group (SAG), to reconvene the SAVOIR FDIR working group and revise the handbook based on lessons learned. The need of updating the handbook was identified due to the realization that some topics were to be added, or that the handbook was to be tailored for specific, less conventional missions. The work performed by the working group aimed to address these issues and culminate in an updated version of the handbook. The objective of the presentation is to present these changes, justifying the choices made and providing details on how the proposed FDIR design and practices are adapted for specific missions, such as Close Proximity Operations (CPO), all based on lessons learned, gathered from ESA, Agencies and Industry.

Primary author

Presentation materials