8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Active Debris Removal market

10 Oct 2024, 17:00
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Guidelines, Policy and Market for ADRIOS IOS


Hugo Kalifa (Novaspace)


The increase in space activity will have the external effect of increasing the amount of space debris and therefore the importance of debris management.
ADR is taking shape through the development of technologies and demonstration missions.
But is there a real market for these services?
ADR services are expected to be very expensive as they involve sending a satellite into orbit to retrieve another. However, commercial satellite operators, who will launch most satellites in the future have little interest in using ADR services as they would derive little benefit from them.
For the ADR market not to be a purely government-funded market, commercial operators need to be incentivised through lower ADR prices (e.g. reusability of the ADR servicer) and incentives through stronger local and international regulations.
Despite being very expensive, ADR has the advantage of being able to remove debris already in orbit. Hence, satellite operators would tend to favour mitigation solutions (e.g. propulsion, solar sail, tether, etc.), and could purchase ADR services in case of a failure of the satellite's deorbiting system.

Primary author

Hugo Kalifa (Novaspace)

Presentation materials