8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Definition of a System Interconnect Standard for Orbital Operations

9 Oct 2024, 16:20
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Technologies for ADRIOS (Robotics#2) IOS




The current trend and interest in sustainable space is crystallizing the efforts of European space stakeholders. By combining new technologies or new concepts with use cases already identified and considered as business cases (OOS – On Orbit Servicing and ISAM – In-Space Servicing Assembly and Manufacturing) in the short, medium and long term, potential opportunities and applications increase. The profusion of ideas is matched only by the multiplication of technical solutions proposed and therefore raises the question of interoperability and compatibility of systems with each other.

From an end user point of view, having a servicing interface compatible with many other interfaces is fundamental. And this is particularly true and important if the mission requires mechanical, data and power connection successively on several interfaces, one after the other, using the same interconnection system. The example of USB (known to the general public) is a reference to promote the normalisation and standardization of interconnection concepts, and the path proposed to be followed within the framework of the project Space USB. The project, funded by the European Commission and started in January 2024, paves the way for a flexible, universal interface like what was done with USB in Information Technology, for connection and assembly applications in orbit. Space USB aims to meet the growing need for physical interoperability of space systems.

This presentation introduces :
- A benchmark criteria focusing on SI (Standard Interconnect) for large system integrator
- Technological barriers to push towards standardisation of the European System Interconnect
- Key drivers, Approach and Rationale towards an European SI

Overall, the presentation offers an overview of the current status of maturation of the different technologies used for in-space mechanical, data and power system interconnection available in Europe as well as details of the efforts to converge towards interoperability.

Keywords: SI, OOS, OSAM, ISAM, Standard, Interoperability.

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