8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Safety in mission and system design for In-Orbit Servicing during close proximity operations

10 Oct 2024, 16:40
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Guidelines, Policy and Market for ADRIOS IOS


Pierre Dandré


The current presentation focuses on the impact of best practices and guidelines for safe close proximity operations on the conception, the design, and the validation and verification (V&V) of the S/C mission and systems. After introducing the key safety requirements for safe Close Proximity Operations, their impact on the system and mission design will be discussed in details, with a focus on specific analyses and tests that are required to validate and verify the design and requirements. Finally, the validation and verification process will be described and applied to a cooperative rendezvous case study, detailing the tools required at each stage of the process, with a focus on trajectory validation, collision risk assessment, and compatibility analysis.

Primary author

Anthea Comellini (Thales Alenia Space)


Mr Bertrand Raffier (CNES) Davide Casu (Thale Alenia Space) Lorenzo Bitetti (Thales Alenia Space) Mr Louis Thomas (Thales Alenia Space) Pierre Dandré

Presentation materials