8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Space Infrastructure: Multifunctional Interfaces as the Key to ISAM and More

9 Oct 2024, 16:40
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Technologies for ADRIOS (Robotics#2) IOS


Thomas A. Schervan (iBOSS GmbH)


The upsurge of innovative and commercial NewSpace ventures and general trends in the space industry suggest a move toward space industrialization, taking space infrastructure and related logistics to new horizons with challenges and opportunities in technology, systems, missions, operations, and business. By and large, these developments and concepts will benefit from collaborative design and PnP (Plug-and-Play) principles, which in turn are centered on modular architectures as an enabling system philosophy per se, based on building blocks and interfaces. In this context, ISAM (In-Space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing) and supporting robotics will drive game-changing

The presentation will address the vision and mission of iBOSS and will focus on interfaces as enabling components. An overview of generic space system interface functionalities will be followed by updates on iBOSS' core modular interface solutions in the context of technical connectivity and transfer scenarios and applications. The iSSI (intelligent Space System Interface) is a multi-functional connector - already demonstrated and tested in space in 2022 and used in laboratory testing and ISAM development by a variety of international stakeholders. The iSSI provides mechanical connection, power and data transfer, saves time and money, solves integration problems and facilitates modular architectures by also serving as a robotic end effector or foot. The iFEX (intelligent Fuel EXchanger) is an innovative fuel transfer interface solution for all propellant types, designed for in-space refueling to extend system life and increase mission flexibility. Both interfaces are androgynous and have a flat surface. Selected use cases covering orbital, cislunar and exploration applications will be presented, supported by short video sequences and flight hardware to be passed around.
Finally, an outlook will be given on new mission, system and service opportunities as well as options for new ConOps and business models.

Keywords: ISAM, OSAM, OOS, ISOS, Interface, Confers

Primary author


Christopher ZEIS Joerg Kreisel (JKIC) Mr Thomas Pauels (RWTH Aachen University)

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