8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

LOOP Mission : Preparing the foundations of a circular on-orbit economy through refurbishment

10 Oct 2024, 11:30
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


Circular Economy IOS


Portia Bowman (Growbotics Space Ltd) Rob Brennan-Craddock (Growbotics Space Ltd)


The LOOP mission, led by Growbotics in collaboration with a consortium, is being developed to demonstrate the viability of a circular economy in space, specifically targeting the refurbishment of a satellite in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO).

By showcasing the commercial case for satellite refurbishment and the potential for a circular in-orbit economy, the LOOP mission represents a crucial stepping stone towards sustainable space operations and away from single-use satellite architectures.

This talk will present the mission, highlighting how refurbishing and upgrading existing satellite infrastructure can unlock new commercial opportunities while promoting circular practices in space. Attendees will gain insights into the innovative approaches being developed to extend the lifespan of satellites, optimize their design for refurbishment, and establish the necessary infrastructure to support these activities.

Primary author

Portia Bowman (Growbotics Space Ltd)


Dr Chris Brunskill (Growbotics Space Ltd) Rob Brennan-Craddock (Growbotics Space Ltd) Mr Sam Hinchliffe (Growbotics Space Ltd)

Presentation materials

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