8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

InSPoC-1 demonstrator mission in the light of ADR and In-Space Transportation Preparations

9 Oct 2024, 09:50
Tennis Hall (Escape)

Tennis Hall


ADR and In-Space Transportation Preparation & Missions IOS


Ms Laura Schumacher (OHB System AG)


For a sustainable future in-space ecosystem space mobility must be increased and, in this concept, space transportation vehicles (ISTVs) present the core element. ISTVs would open the door to a variety of servicing opportunities, in which the overall accessibility of failed or retired satellites is increased. Replacement frequencies of spacecrafts are reduced by refuelling ISTVs, as well as services like repair or refurbishment of partially failed S/Cs, offer the possibility to use a satellite even after an incident. Highly valuable orbits could be cleaned if defunct satellites are reboosted, relocated or removed. Cargo resupply chains for exploration purposes or in-orbit manufacturing could bring space flywheel products. As we look into the future of humanities space age, sustainability is an imperative part of the ecosystem for longevity of our space endeavours. Considering space objects as assets sustainability would receive a value, thus becoming a part of the economy.

The In Space Proof-of-Concept 1 (InSPoC-1) is a first milestone in ESA’s Space Logistics roadmap, aiming at demonstrating key enabling in-orbit transport capability of automatic rendezvous and docking between two cooperative orbital systems, compatible with payload / cargo transport. As the demonstration shall cover multiple RVD scenarios it directly contributes to the standardization of RVD procedures, interfaces and guidelines for the greater good of the in-space logistics community. The enabling key capabilities include next to mechanical and electrical coupling interfaces and standardization, also communication interfaces for cooperative rendezvous and docking and standardization as well as autonomous rendezvous and docking GNC between cooperative vehicles and related standardization of operational protocols.

The InSPoC1 mission will be the first step in OHB's planned market entry into space logistics. Several capabilities for in-space logistics need to be achieved and demonstrated to enable the proposed transport services. This is not only crucial for active debris removal, re-use or refurbishment services, but also to establish spacecraft design features to enable their active removal after EoL. Such RVD demonstration are of utmost importance to de-risk the mission and decrease cost of inherent technologies, to eventually obtain unified RVD guidelines and standardized spacecraft interfaces.
Thus, PoC-1 is designed to perform the most relevant GNC core capabilities and technologies required in the in-space transportation ecosystem of the future, including:
• Phasing, Station Keeping at Hold Points, Rendezvous and docking on V-bar and R-bar, System Interconnection, Undocking and flyaway, Collision avoidance manoeuvre, Attitude control of the stack, Manoeuvre of the stack
By demonstrating the ISTV capabilities with a dedicated client spacecraft, the technical challenges of logistic services are met with confidence in future service applications. This enables the future spacecraft operators to approach uncontrolled space objects, remove them from valuable orbits and offers approaches for a more sustainable use of space. Especially servicing activities (e.g. refuelling, repairing, removing) can be conducted with more ease when standardized procedures are known to the community.

Primary author

Ms Laura Schumacher (OHB System AG)


Birk Wollenhaupt (OHB System) Dr Britta Ganzer (OHB System AG) Marc Scheper (OHB System - Bremen) Stefano Torresan (OHB System AG) Thomas Aubrun (OHB System A.G.)

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