25–27 Mar 2025
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Draft Agenda published

Compute module redundancy management for space applications using FPGAs

25 Mar 2025, 16:25
Einstein (European Space Research & Technology Centre)


European Space Research & Technology Centre

Postbus 299 2200 AG Noordwijk (The Netherlands)
Poster session Poster Session Poster session


Mr Aditya Bhattacharya (University of Luxembourg) Gelmar Luiz da Costa (Uni.lu)


Commercial-of-the-shelf computer modules (CMs) bear the potential to bring
unprecedented computing power to space. Combining CM redundancy for criti-
cal and detect-recover schemes for less critical operations, we highlight how CMs
can match the safety of radiation-hard CMs, at a fraction of costs. We combine
CMs with an FPGA voter to provide fault masking through agreement where
necessary and parallel computing where possible, highlighting the benefits but
also the inherent costs of CM-level hypervisor-controlled radiation tolerance.
Early results from a proton-beam radiation test confirm the need for hypervisor-
controlled reactive power cycling to fend-off single-event latch ups and proactive
rejuvenation to counter other radiation faults at all levels of the hardware / soft-
ware stack. The results also indicate the need for external monitoring and fast
boot to also withstand the most severe situations, like solar flares

Affiliation of author(s)

University of Luxembourg

Track Fault Tolerance Methodologies and Tools

Primary author


Mr Aditya Bhattacharya (University of Luxembourg) Prof. Marcus Marcus Völp (University of Luxembourg) Dr Rafal Rafal Graczyk (University of Luxembourg)

Presentation materials

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