As space missions evolve, security in embedded systems has become a critical aspect, that is considered not just as a tax to pay to deploy secure solutions but also as a must to protect value assets and information that would end saving money by reducing/eliminating risks. Security levels at different granularity and functions is to be integrated into existing and new avionics architectures. This presentation outlines the challenges in embedding secure architectures within space avionics, highlighting the interplay between existing and emerging systems. From the architecture level to threat modeling, trust, and security policy frameworks, we explore solutions shaped by our experience in different dedicated ESA projects for hot topics like HW Security Modules in satellite architecture, Digital Forensics, Intrusion detection-recovery, security cubesat on-board laboratory or SAVOIR security reference architecture, and of course our involvement in Galileo Control Center security. Additionally, we present our efforts in cryptographic solutions, remote attestation, and secure boot mechanisms, emphasizing the Agency’s evolving role as a SAT owner and certifier