Oct 22 – 24, 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


During ADCSS there will be space for  8 Exhibition Booths around the Newton Conference Center.

A Tool Vendor Session will be organised on the first day of the Workshop (afternoon).  During this Session, all exhibitors/tool vendors will be able to give a flash presentation (max 3 min.) in order to introduce their company to the workshop participants.

If you are interested in participating, please send the following information to the Exhibition Organiser

  • Company Name
  • Contact Person
  • Short description of your booth
  • Special requirements 

A standard exhibition booth consists of: 1 table (80x160), 2 chairs, power supply & 1 blue poster panel (120x180)

Set up and Dismantling

Please note that all of the demonstration systems shall be installed by the exhibitors themselves and need to be completely stand-alone systems.

Exhibitors can build their booth from 08:00 on the 21st October 2024.

Dismantling of the exhibition should be performed after the last coffee break on the last day (24th  October)

Coffee Breaks & Social Event will be arranged in the Exhibition Area in order to maximize the visits to the exhibitions.