SAVOIR - Implementation Phase (23/10/2014)
SAVOIR, in phase 1, has federated the space avionics community around the concept of reference architecture, standard interface, and generic specification. The reference architecture allows defining a domain of reuse and identifying building blocks. The generic specification allows harmonizing the procurements made by the Agencies and System Integrators. The interface standards intend to ease systems integration. All are expected to favour the existence of Suppliers product lines. Phase 1 has produced R&D roadmaps and lists of prioritized building blocks.
SAVOIR phase 2 has started in January 2011. The project plan includes the refinement of the reference architecture, the elaboration of a portfolio, and the production of two generic specifications: the on-board computer (OBC) and the data concentrator function (RTU). The portfolio includes also many items related to architecture, communication, software, data handling, sensor, actuators and control, enabling technologies. Each item may have a generic specification, prototype(s), product(s), as well as their availability date and planned Technology Readiness Level [TRL].
The maturity and completeness of the SAVOIR concept will be assessed by building lab demonstrators integrating consistent set of items. The selection criteria for those items will be driven by their maturity at the given date with the particular goal of making them usable to projects.
More information on topics and the submission of presentations will follow soon.
Kjeld Hjortnaes (ESA/TEC-SW)
Philippe Armbruster (ESA/TEC-ED)
Alain Benoit (ESA/TEC-EC)
Jacques Busseuil (TAS)
Thierry Duhamel (Astrium)
System Engineering Data Repository (24/10/2014 am)
System engineering data needs to be accessible for all domains along the entire project life-cycle, from design and development up to operations. The methodology and process at system level has already been addressed in studies such as the Virtual Spacecraft design. An ECSS Technical Memorandum has been published to provide a framework for a system engineering data repository (E-TM-10-23). In addition, activities are ongoing to define a common approach to formalise the concepts to be represented in the corresponding data repositories.
In specific domains de facto standards start to emerge, either in the form of formalisation methods, or in practical solutions for equipment descriptions, such as Electronic Data Sheets (EDS).
The session serves to identify the current practices of system data exchange and the related shortcomings in the industrial context. Gaps shall be highlighted to allow the identification of necessary activities to improve the interoperability and data exchange for future projects.
In particular the following questions need to be addressed
• What are current practices to formalise engineering data which needs to be interchanged between different stakeholders
• Where are the biggest obstacles to achieve interoperability at data level and how can they be overcome
• Which domains are the most affected by data incompatibilities
• Which role do existing means play in the current practice
• What activities need to be initiated to enable an industry-wide adoption of a common standard
Industry, Agencies and academia are invited to propose short discussion contributions for the session, addressing (some of) the topics listed under above objectives.
A short abstract of a presentation shall be submitted before 17 September 2012 to the session coordinator. Depending on the contributions, the session will consist of a series of short presentations, followed by a round table discussion on the identified subjects. The discussion should lead to the identification of current needs and related strategies to converge in the domain and identify the necessary actions to be taken.
Antoine Provost-Grellier, Thales Alenia Space
Harald Eisenmann, Astrium
Joachim Fuchs, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-SWM)
Guillermo Ortega, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-ECN)
Joachim Fuchs, (
Miniaturisation of Avionics and GNC Elements (24/10/2014 pm)
Miniaturisation has been a dominant driving force in the commercial world for at least the last 15 years and has brought large changes. In space the miniaturisation trend has also been apparent but to a much lesser extent.
In the terrestrial world, miniaturisation, together with large sales volumes have brought large reductions in size and cost of hardware whilst simultaneously increasing the capabilities available. Such benefits would also clearly be of interest for space applications but have not yet been fully exploited, at least partially due to the large Non Recurring Effort required for such miniaturised systems.
The Agency has already performed development work on miniaturised sun sensors, star tracker and now also IMUs. ….
The round table is intended to provide information on the current status of miniaturisation activities within Avionics and GNC and to enable feedback on the uses, needs, benefits and perceived drawbacks with respect to miniaturisation of equipments:
• What miniaturisation efforts are on-going and what are the expected results
• What equipment makes sense to miniaturise? What is the demand for miniaturised equipments?
• How does the use of miniaturised equipment affect the electrical interfaces and architecture on the s/c – are the benefits worth it?
• What do users expect/ demand from miniaturised equipments, what are the perceived benefits to be exploited and drawbacks to be minimized?
How best to embark miniaturised equipments on new missions and platforms?
Industry, Agencies and academia are invited to propose short contributions for the session, addressing (some of) the topics listed under above objectives.
A short abstract of the presentation shall be submitted before September 17th, 2012 to the round table coordinator
The round table will include the accepted position presentations and an open discussion with the audience, addressing;
• Miniaturisation developments in Avionics and GNC
• Benefits and drawbacks of miniaturisation
• Inputs towards the future roadmap for miniaturisation
S.P.Airey (
Mass Memories for Payload Applications and File Based Systems (25/10/2014)
The use high bandwidth Ka band data downlink links poses new challenges for the payload data system. The maximum downlink data rate will increase from several 100 Mbps to several Gbps and the data down link may operate at a variable data rate. In addition the frequency band allocated to Ka band down links (25.5 – 27GHz) is prone to rain fading which may lower the BER significantly. In this case retransmission of some corrupted data may be required as a normal mode of operation. Future mission requirements in terms of on-board data storage capacity are in the order of several Tbits and downlink data rates of several Gbps . To minimise possible impact on mission operation retransmission is sought to be automated by introducing CCSDS file delivery protocol (CFDP). CFDP caters for automatic retransmission of missing packets by issuing non-acknowledge (NACK) for those packets that have been corrupted during downlink and ACK once the transfer is completed. These above requirements impose some changes to the ground operations as user intervened retransmission no longer is practical due to the large data volumes involved and the expected frequency of the required retransmission. With these constraints the view of the payload data on board may evolve from pure packet stores towards real file based operation.
From the space segment perspective solid state on-board mass memories have several key challenges to tackle to meet future mission objectives. Firstly the SSMM rely on the use of terrestrial memory components as radiation hard memory is simply not a feasible solution both for cost and storage capacity reasons. The key challenge is to adapt to the very fast evolution of memory technologies and the shear volatility of the market of memory components. New type of memory components pose the repeating challenge to understand failure modes of a particular technology and brand, even different LOT’s as the same device type may show different behaviour under radiation condition. The properties imposed by the short comings of the available volatile and non-volatile COTS memory technology have to be mitigated by measured on Memory Module and Mass Memory architecture level.
Secondly the very high data rates produced by upcoming missions with SAR or optical payloads requires new technologies and architectures to be developed. On the input side high data rate serial links that deliver a data at a rate of 2.5Gbps and beyond, and on the output side similar data rates will be needed. Future mass memory architectures will have to handle these very high record and replay data rates as well to support a files system and the CCSDS file delivery protocol.
The round table shall address challenges faced by the payload data system by the introduction of a new operation principle using file systems and the CCSDS file delivery protocol that supports automatic retransmission. The objective of the round table is to collect inputs, share experiences and discuss topics that encompass the end-to-end system from ground segment to space segment, and address the impacts of these changes.
Further the round table shall address the particular technology challenges solid state mass memories are faced with to meet future high data volume mission requirements.
Briefings and presentations, selected by appointment, will cover the following topics:
Session 1 Mission requirements and operational trends:
- Requirements for future SCI missions
- Requirements for future Earth Observation relevant to SSMM.
- File based operations
Session 2 Architectures and communication aspects:
- communications standards
- SSMM architectures to meet future mission requirements
- Technology challenges imposed by future mission requirements
Session 3 Technology Trends and challenges for future solid state mass memories:
- Enabling ASIC/FPGA technologies to meet future requirements.
- High speed serial links and protocols
- Trend in memory technologies relevant for space
- Challenges with regards to testing of next generation memory devices.
The round table includes presentations given by invited speakers and an open discussion with the audience, addressing items pertinent to the individual sessions. In case you want to contribute to a particular session please contact the round table coordinator by 16 September 2012.
Jørgen Ilstad, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDP)
Giorgio Magistrati, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDD)
Chris Taylor, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDS)
Alberto Valverde, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDD)
Jørgen Ilstad, (
SAVOIR, in phase 1, has federated the space avionics community around the concept of reference architecture, standard interface, and generic specification. The reference architecture allows defining a domain of reuse and identifying building blocks. The generic specification allows harmonizing the procurements made by the Agencies and System Integrators. The interface standards intend to ease systems integration. All are expected to favour the existence of Suppliers product lines. Phase 1 has produced R&D roadmaps and lists of prioritized building blocks.
SAVOIR phase 2 has started in January 2011. The project plan includes the refinement of the reference architecture, the elaboration of a portfolio, and the production of two generic specifications: the on-board computer (OBC) and the data concentrator function (RTU). The portfolio includes also many items related to architecture, communication, software, data handling, sensor, actuators and control, enabling technologies. Each item may have a generic specification, prototype(s), product(s), as well as their availability date and planned Technology Readiness Level [TRL].
The maturity and completeness of the SAVOIR concept will be assessed by building lab demonstrators integrating consistent set of items. The selection criteria for those items will be driven by their maturity at the given date with the particular goal of making them usable to projects.
More information on topics and the submission of presentations will follow soon.
Kjeld Hjortnaes (ESA/TEC-SW)
Philippe Armbruster (ESA/TEC-ED)
Alain Benoit (ESA/TEC-EC)
Jacques Busseuil (TAS)
Thierry Duhamel (Astrium)
System Engineering Data Repository (24/10/2014 am)
System engineering data needs to be accessible for all domains along the entire project life-cycle, from design and development up to operations. The methodology and process at system level has already been addressed in studies such as the Virtual Spacecraft design. An ECSS Technical Memorandum has been published to provide a framework for a system engineering data repository (E-TM-10-23). In addition, activities are ongoing to define a common approach to formalise the concepts to be represented in the corresponding data repositories.
In specific domains de facto standards start to emerge, either in the form of formalisation methods, or in practical solutions for equipment descriptions, such as Electronic Data Sheets (EDS).
The session serves to identify the current practices of system data exchange and the related shortcomings in the industrial context. Gaps shall be highlighted to allow the identification of necessary activities to improve the interoperability and data exchange for future projects.
In particular the following questions need to be addressed
• What are current practices to formalise engineering data which needs to be interchanged between different stakeholders
• Where are the biggest obstacles to achieve interoperability at data level and how can they be overcome
• Which domains are the most affected by data incompatibilities
• Which role do existing means play in the current practice
• What activities need to be initiated to enable an industry-wide adoption of a common standard
Industry, Agencies and academia are invited to propose short discussion contributions for the session, addressing (some of) the topics listed under above objectives.
A short abstract of a presentation shall be submitted before 17 September 2012 to the session coordinator. Depending on the contributions, the session will consist of a series of short presentations, followed by a round table discussion on the identified subjects. The discussion should lead to the identification of current needs and related strategies to converge in the domain and identify the necessary actions to be taken.
Antoine Provost-Grellier, Thales Alenia Space
Harald Eisenmann, Astrium
Joachim Fuchs, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-SWM)
Guillermo Ortega, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-ECN)
Joachim Fuchs, (
Miniaturisation of Avionics and GNC Elements (24/10/2014 pm)
Miniaturisation has been a dominant driving force in the commercial world for at least the last 15 years and has brought large changes. In space the miniaturisation trend has also been apparent but to a much lesser extent.
In the terrestrial world, miniaturisation, together with large sales volumes have brought large reductions in size and cost of hardware whilst simultaneously increasing the capabilities available. Such benefits would also clearly be of interest for space applications but have not yet been fully exploited, at least partially due to the large Non Recurring Effort required for such miniaturised systems.
The Agency has already performed development work on miniaturised sun sensors, star tracker and now also IMUs. ….
The round table is intended to provide information on the current status of miniaturisation activities within Avionics and GNC and to enable feedback on the uses, needs, benefits and perceived drawbacks with respect to miniaturisation of equipments:
• What miniaturisation efforts are on-going and what are the expected results
• What equipment makes sense to miniaturise? What is the demand for miniaturised equipments?
• How does the use of miniaturised equipment affect the electrical interfaces and architecture on the s/c – are the benefits worth it?
• What do users expect/ demand from miniaturised equipments, what are the perceived benefits to be exploited and drawbacks to be minimized?
How best to embark miniaturised equipments on new missions and platforms?
Industry, Agencies and academia are invited to propose short contributions for the session, addressing (some of) the topics listed under above objectives.
A short abstract of the presentation shall be submitted before September 17th, 2012 to the round table coordinator
The round table will include the accepted position presentations and an open discussion with the audience, addressing;
• Miniaturisation developments in Avionics and GNC
• Benefits and drawbacks of miniaturisation
• Inputs towards the future roadmap for miniaturisation
S.P.Airey (
Mass Memories for Payload Applications and File Based Systems (25/10/2014)
The use high bandwidth Ka band data downlink links poses new challenges for the payload data system. The maximum downlink data rate will increase from several 100 Mbps to several Gbps and the data down link may operate at a variable data rate. In addition the frequency band allocated to Ka band down links (25.5 – 27GHz) is prone to rain fading which may lower the BER significantly. In this case retransmission of some corrupted data may be required as a normal mode of operation. Future mission requirements in terms of on-board data storage capacity are in the order of several Tbits and downlink data rates of several Gbps . To minimise possible impact on mission operation retransmission is sought to be automated by introducing CCSDS file delivery protocol (CFDP). CFDP caters for automatic retransmission of missing packets by issuing non-acknowledge (NACK) for those packets that have been corrupted during downlink and ACK once the transfer is completed. These above requirements impose some changes to the ground operations as user intervened retransmission no longer is practical due to the large data volumes involved and the expected frequency of the required retransmission. With these constraints the view of the payload data on board may evolve from pure packet stores towards real file based operation.
From the space segment perspective solid state on-board mass memories have several key challenges to tackle to meet future mission objectives. Firstly the SSMM rely on the use of terrestrial memory components as radiation hard memory is simply not a feasible solution both for cost and storage capacity reasons. The key challenge is to adapt to the very fast evolution of memory technologies and the shear volatility of the market of memory components. New type of memory components pose the repeating challenge to understand failure modes of a particular technology and brand, even different LOT’s as the same device type may show different behaviour under radiation condition. The properties imposed by the short comings of the available volatile and non-volatile COTS memory technology have to be mitigated by measured on Memory Module and Mass Memory architecture level.
Secondly the very high data rates produced by upcoming missions with SAR or optical payloads requires new technologies and architectures to be developed. On the input side high data rate serial links that deliver a data at a rate of 2.5Gbps and beyond, and on the output side similar data rates will be needed. Future mass memory architectures will have to handle these very high record and replay data rates as well to support a files system and the CCSDS file delivery protocol.
The round table shall address challenges faced by the payload data system by the introduction of a new operation principle using file systems and the CCSDS file delivery protocol that supports automatic retransmission. The objective of the round table is to collect inputs, share experiences and discuss topics that encompass the end-to-end system from ground segment to space segment, and address the impacts of these changes.
Further the round table shall address the particular technology challenges solid state mass memories are faced with to meet future high data volume mission requirements.
Briefings and presentations, selected by appointment, will cover the following topics:
Session 1 Mission requirements and operational trends:
- Requirements for future SCI missions
- Requirements for future Earth Observation relevant to SSMM.
- File based operations
Session 2 Architectures and communication aspects:
- communications standards
- SSMM architectures to meet future mission requirements
- Technology challenges imposed by future mission requirements
Session 3 Technology Trends and challenges for future solid state mass memories:
- Enabling ASIC/FPGA technologies to meet future requirements.
- High speed serial links and protocols
- Trend in memory technologies relevant for space
- Challenges with regards to testing of next generation memory devices.
The round table includes presentations given by invited speakers and an open discussion with the audience, addressing items pertinent to the individual sessions. In case you want to contribute to a particular session please contact the round table coordinator by 16 September 2012.
Jørgen Ilstad, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDP)
Giorgio Magistrati, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDD)
Chris Taylor, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDS)
Alberto Valverde, ESA/ESTEC (TEC-EDD)
Jørgen Ilstad, (