indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 10th Decmeber. It may be unavailable all day.

8 December 2014
CET timezone
This is the second DARE User Meeting. The meeting will present progress of the DARE platforms in the last few years.
Attendees will get a better understanding of the extensive possibilities of DARE platforms developed by imec and its partners. In a first session the DARE platforms will be introduced and in the last session the current state of the existing platforms will be presented. In the second session the possibilities of the platforms will be shown using completed application chips as example with a broader portfolio including running available in the third session, which is a plenary poster session. In that poster session also an overview will be given of available IP.
In parallel, attendees will also be able to get insight in the portfolio of the ASICs that are made using the DARE solution and collect the information needed to include the chips in their upcoming designs. This information is also embedded in the presentations of session 2 and the application chip posters from session 3.
Newton 2