Poster 1
SimTG and SMP2 return of Experience
Cazenave, Claude; Eisenmann, Harald
Poster 2
Development of Generic AOCS Unit Simulation Models
Pigg, M.1; Dungate, D.1; Pattenden, T.1; Bakouche, C.2; Perriault, N.2; Maingam, F.2; Bacchetta, A.2; Polle, B.3; Theureau, D.3
1Tessella Plc; 2Thales Alenia Space; 3EADS Astrium
Poster 3
Development of a Spacecraft Dynamics Simulator to the Brazilian Multi-Mission Platform MMP
Hoffmann, Leandro Toss1; Moreira, Carlos José Alves2; Strieder,Cristiano2; Lopes, Igor2; Lopes, Roberto3
1Ground Systems Division/INPE; 2CNPq; 3System Engineering Divison/INPE
Poster 4
Increasing user Interactivity in Spacecraft Simulations
Hoffmann, Leandro Toss; Perondi, Leonel Fernando
Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Poster 5
Developing a Research Testbed for Spacecraft Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control
Indra, Saurabh1; Albert, Vincent2; Travé-Massuyès, Louise3; Gauchard, David3
1Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, LAAS-CNRS; 2Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes, Univ. of Toulouse; 3Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes
Poster 6
Development of Simulation Infrastructure Compatible ESA SMP for Validation of flight Software and Verification of Mission Operation
KOO, Cheol-Hea; LEE, Hoon-Hee; MOON, Sung-Tae; HAN, Sang-Hyuck; JU, Gwang-Hyeok
Poster 7
Advances in Columbus internal and external Payload Simulation for EDR and EuTEF
Kuijpers, Ed1; Schreutelkamp, Erwin2
1National Aerospace Laboratory NLR; 2Nspyre
Poster 8
Operator Training System Design for the Function Provision of Trainer-Friendly Failure Injection
LEE, Hoonhee; KOO, Cheolhea; MOON, Sungtae; HAN, Sanghyuck; JU, Gwanghyeok
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
Poster 9
Improvement of EGSE Architecture and Software in last Decades
Nagy, Janos1; Szalai, Sandor2; Sodor, Balint2
1Wigner Center for Physics; 2SGF Ltd.
Poster 10
SATSIL–Avionics Test Bench R&D Project based on Indigenous OBDH System
Serdar, Selim; Yaldiz, Taner
TAI Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc.
Poster 11
YAVE Test Systems ‐ Efficient Verification for Avionic Product Development
van Hove, Andreas1; Kremp, Johannes1; Heuermann, Nils1; Wittner, Michael2
1FTI Group; 2Razorcat