Sep 22 – 24, 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SpaceWire Satellite Development Systems

Sep 22, 2015, 4:45 PM
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)



Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
SpW Simulation, Test, and Verification SpW Simulation, Test, and Verification


Mr Paul Walker (4Links Limited)


4Links will introduce the concept of SpaceWire Satellite Development Systems, together with brief descriptions of the first products. These will include the basic elements needed to build a model of the SpaceWire network on a proposed satellite: a single-board computer, a routing switch, and a bridge from SpaceWire to Ethernet to represent a link to the ground. They will also include a remote monitor that can be used in the final stages satellite assembly, integration and test (AIT) to resolve interaction problems between the subsystems about to be launched.

Primary author

Mr Paul Walker (4Links Limited)

Presentation materials