SpW Evolutions I: ECSS-ST-E-50-12C
- David Jameux (ESA/ESTEC)
This session will be dedicated to the revision of the current SpaceWire standard in support to the work of the ECSS Working Group as well as to inputs into further evolution of ECSS-ST-E-50-12C.
Glenn Rakow
9/22/15, 3:15 PM
SpW Evolutions including ECSS-ST-50-12C Rev.1, SpW Handbook, SpaceFibre and SpW 2
Discusses problems with SpaceWire Quality of Service and an alternative option other than SpaceWire-D to solve the problem without drastic changes to the SpaceWire design. This alternative solution allows existing SpaceWire nodes to remain unchanged with only changes to SpaceWire switches.