Emanuele di Sotto
Juan Antonio Bejar-Romero
(GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U.)
Ground testing of space technologies, and in particular space robotics and Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) ones, is crucial in order to de-risk space missions that heavily rely on them. In this context, this paper describes the role of the platform-art© robotic facility located at GMV premises in Tres Cantos (Madrid, Spain) as last on-ground validation step within the development and validation of a whole range of different space technologies.
The platform-art© hardware in-the-loop facility can simulate the dynamics of any satellite system: the paper will present how the facility has been used in a number of activities related to a different space scenarios such as Lunar descent and landing, on-orbit servicing (including contact), active debris removal (e.g. ANDROID mission) and Rendez-Vous (e.g. Mars Sample Return capture mission). The modularity of the facility will also be described, which allows for fast re-adaptation of the setup for different scenarios, also enabled by the different mock-ups that are available at platform-art© (with different scale factors and fabrication precision depending on the specific test needs. Lessons learnt and graphical results from different ESA projects that have used the platform-art© hardware in-the-loop facility.
It will also be presented, complementary to the dynamic test facility, an integrated Design, Development, Verification and Validation environment covering from Model-in-the-Loop (e.g. Matlab/Simulink algo-rithms) till real-time Processor-in-the-Loop (with autocoded or hand-made GNC produced SW) and later on extended through the use of dynamic test facilities with real dynamic and air-to-air HW-in-the-Loop (sensors, robotic manipulators, …) stimulation.
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
Pablo Colmenarejo
Emanuele di Sotto