Francesco Cacciatore
Euclid is a cosmology mission dedicated to study the geometry and the nature of the Dark Universe with unprecedented accuracy. Euclid will observe a 15000 deg^2 wide area of the sky from the Lagrange point L2 of the Sun-Earth system. The scientific goals of the mission result in very demanding performances for the AOCS subsystem; as an example, the observations’ Relative Pointing Error shall be kept within 75 mas over a time scale of 700 sec. The Euclid S/C is procured by ESA and supplied by TAS-I; SENER is the prime contractor of the AOCS sub-system, for which the work is executed in partnership with ADS-NL.
Amongst other responsibilities, SENER is responsible for the design, implementation and verification of GNC/AOCS algorithms; in the frame of the activities for the Phase B2 of the study, a set of tools and methodologies were developed and employed for the design tasks undertaken. The core of the design effort resided in the preparation and set-up of the Euclid Design Simulator (EDS). Such simulator is based on the internal tool SENERIC, whose model library was used as core or starting point for the DKE, actuators and sensors models required for Euclid. This allowed a fast deployment of environment for completing AOCS SRR in 1 month and AOCS PDR in 7 additional months. Along with the units and dynamics simulation, a simulation management architecture was developed. The main user for the EDS is the AOCS engineer, focusing on design tasks. As a consequence, the EDS simulation management infrastructure was developed taking into account the following usage guidelines: fast data preparation and processing, ability of storing and retrieving simulated cases, ability of running different models with the same source data set, ability of running Monte Carlo simulations, all without requiring lengthy and complex case set-up. The product of such effort is a simulator which allows launching test cases from MATLAB Environment initialization (leveraging on native types for data definition), as well as flexibly generating and retrieving XML databases equivalent to the MATLAB native data types. The EDS currently makes use of Simulink libraries and model referencing, and further efforts are envisaged towards the auto-coding of the AOCS/GNC algorithms being designed through the EDS. It is being used for developing models and specifications aiming at an ideally seamless integration within the formal verification environment, in first step via FES, and later for the RTS production to be applied in the AOCS SCOE. EDS is applied during the whole process as the flexible reference design tool.
Applicant type | Co-author |
Primary author
Francesco Cacciatore
Alfredo Agenjo
Carlos Ardura
Gonzalo Saavedra
Luis Olier
Massimiliano Saponara
Raul Sanchez