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10–12 Apr 2017
Europe/London timezone

Full X-ray mircropore optics modelling for the BepiColombo MIXS instrument


Mr Pablo Portillo (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial)


The modelling of X-ray micropore optics have raised a considerable interest, in the framework of some recent and future missions like BepiColombo or the next X-ray observatory ATHENA, in order to not only help during design phases but also provide a precise knowledge of the low-energy particle focusing on the focal plane detectors. As a first step, we have fully simulated the BepiColombo MIXS instrument, by means of Geant4 and the XRTG4 tracer, including a realistic model of the actual MIXS micropore optics. Preliminary results show a good correlation between our model and the main figures of merit obtained during ground X-ray tests performed on the MIXS flight model, which open up promising prospects for future further investigations

Primary authors

Ms Marina Benito-Parejo (INTA) Mr Pablo Portillo (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) Mr Sergio Ibarmia (INTA)

Presentation materials