Radiation effects and single event effects
- Masanobu Ozaki (JAXA)
Grigory Protopopov
(Branch of Joint-Stock Company United Rocket and Space Corporation - Institute Of Space Device Engineering)
10/04/2017, 13:40
The special degraders are used to achieve required heavy ion’s characteristics at the only in Russia SEE test facilities based on high-energy ion sources. Heavy ion’s characteristics (an energy, a linear energy transfer, a range) at electronic components’ sensitive volume are calculated using different software, including GEANT4. Examples of GEANT4 and analogue software calculations results...
Robert Reed
(ISDE/Vanderbilt University)
10/04/2017, 14:05
MRED (Monte Carlo Radiative Energy Deposition) is Vanderbilt University’s Geant4 application for simulating radiation events in semiconductors. Geant4 is comprised of the best available computational physics models for the transport of radiation through matter. Geant4 is a library of c++ routines for describing radiation interaction with matter assembled by a large and diverse international...
Ricardo Peterson
(PhD Student, Department of Electrical Engineering)
10/04/2017, 14:30
Device reliability is critical to the integrity of electronics systems used in the aerospace industry (e.g. satellites, cubesats, spacecrafts, etc.). In particular, R&D in device reliability is indispensable for electronics operating in harsh environments, such as in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), where particle radiation is prevalent. In particular, radiation-induced degradation at...
Mauro Tacconi
(INFN and University Milano Bicocca)
10/04/2017, 14:55
Single scattering classes G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel and G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, included in Geant4, implement the screened-relativistic treatment for protons, ions and electrons incident on nuclei. This treatment accounts for effects due to the screened Coulomb fields, finite sizes and rest masses of nuclei. For electrons scattering on nuclei a complete treatment of Mott...