Tuesday 14 February 2017 (09:00)
Thursday 16 February 2017 (18:15)
Monday 13 February 2017
Tuesday 14 February 2017
Cyril Mangenot
Michael Harverson
Cyril Mangenot
Michael Harverson
09:00 - 10:15
Room: Newton 1 & 2
a) Introduction to ESA Technical Competence Domains and Impact on Final Presentation set-up. b) New D/TEC organization for Payload and Technologies (including D/TEC Payload laboratories). c) TRP/GSTP What's new d) ARTES - What's new e) Content of the Final Presentation Days 2017.
10:15 - 10:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D1P1 - TRP - 26-GHz Data Downlink and RF Beacon for LEO In Orbit Demonstrator Satellite - SSTL (UK), Viper RF (UK)
Mark Jefferies
D1P1 - TRP - 26-GHz Data Downlink and RF Beacon for LEO In Orbit Demonstrator Satellite - SSTL (UK), Viper RF (UK)
Mark Jefferies
10:20 - 11:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
This presentation examines a system solution to allow LEO Ka-band propagation measurements and Variable Coding and Modulation (VCM) demonstration at multiple points on the earth. It provides a step towards the adoption of the 25.5 to 27GHz band for Earth Observation (EO) downlink from (Low Earth Orbit) LEO. This paper contains key findings of a study conducted by SSTL and Viper RF for ESA with the ultimate goal of providing a timely and economic solution with a number of technical advancements.
11:00 - 11:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D1P2 - TRP - Study of Multi-Channel Ka-Band SARs for Moving Target Indication - DLR (Germany), Airbus Defence and Space (Germany), ISEL (Portugal)
Stefan Baumgartner
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Microwaves and Radar Institute
D1P2 - TRP - Study of Multi-Channel Ka-Band SARs for Moving Target Indication - DLR (Germany), Airbus Defence and Space (Germany), ISEL (Portugal)
Stefan Baumgartner
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Microwaves and Radar Institute
11:20 - 12:10
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The major objective of the ESA-funded TRP Activity was to design a spaceborne multi-channel Ka-band SAR optimized for detecting targets moving on land and ocean surfaces, and for estimating their position and motion parameters with high accuracy. A further objecitve was to investigate the capability of the system for ocean surface current measurements. The study was organized in four tasks: 1. Review and trade-off of state-of-the-art multi-channel techniques,algorithms and instruments for moving target indication (MTI) and ocean current measurement. 2. Preliminary system concepts definition, trade-off and performance assessment. 3. Detailed instrument definition and performance assessment. 4. Technology roadmap and way forward. Task 1 started with a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art MTI techniques, algorithms and instruments. Also methods for measuring ocean currents were investigated. Single-channel as well as multichannel algorithms were reviewed. As output a comprehensive overview document was obtained which can be used as a reference for future air- and spaceborne MTI activities. In this document also figure of merits were defined, potential scenarios and applications were suggested and requirements for land and ocean MTI were proposed. Preliminary system concepts were defined and discussed in Task 2. For the concepts the MTI performance was assessed using a state-of-the-art performance model based on Post-Doppler Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP). The advantage of the short wavelength of Ka-band is that shorter along-track baselines can be used for achieving a good MTI detection and parameter estimation performance. Thus, a number of along-track channels can be accommodated at the same SAR platform which has an overall length small enough to fit in a VEGA launcher. During the investigations in Task 2 it also carried out, that especially for Ka-band MTI rather high PRFs are needed if state-of-the-art MTI algorithms shall be applied and if the velocities and geographical positions of targets moving with high velocities shall be estimated unambiguously. In the frame of a Contract Change Notice (CCN) Task 2 was significantly extended for developing and investigating novel low PRF MTI algorithms. In total we have developed three novel algorithms whose performance was evaluated by Monte-Carlo simulations as well as by a Post-Doppler STAP model. With the novel low PRF algorithms MTI and high-resolution wide-swath (HRWS) SAR imaging can be performed simultaneously without the need of a separate high PRF system operation mode. However, even with the introduction of the novel HRWS-MTI algorithms high technical effort and hardware complexity is needed for achieving swath widths beyond 33 km with the investigated Ka-band systems, even if the stringent requirements on MTI performance and NESZ are relaxed. For Task 3 ESA wanted us to investigate a kind of multi-purpose system which additionally can be used for across-track interferometry (XTI). This system called "Architecture #9" was originally proposed in the frame of a different study ("Study into Ka-Band SAR," ESA Contract No. 4000102378) for high-resolution XTI applications, but not for MTI. In Task 3 a detailed MTI performance assessment and additionally a sensitivity analysis for the expected most critical non-calibrateable errors was carried out for "Architecture #9". Finally, in Taks 4 designing guidlines for spaceborne SAR-MTI systems were written and critical system and technology aspects were sketched.
D1P3 - TRP - HoTSPOT Upgrade and SCARLET Integration - Space Engineering (Italy)
Piero Gabellini
Space Engineering
D1P3 - TRP - HoTSPOT Upgrade and SCARLET Integration - Space Engineering (Italy)
Piero Gabellini
Space Engineering
12:10 - 13:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The objective of the activity is to upgrade the current versions of HoTSPOT v2.x, HoTSPOT_SFPB and HoTSPOT_STAN and reengineer them in order to converge to a single version named HoTSPOT v3.x. Additional capabilities are also to be added (such as management of multi user terminals, optimized routing between HPAs and feeders, management of Array-Fed Reflector payload architectures, etc.) in order to extend the applications the code is able to cope with. A proper GUI is requested to easily interact with the tool in order to create the relevant system scenario and generate all input files needed by HoTSPOT automatically, as well as output results files for proper display and/or post-processing. The integration of HoTSPOT within the use of the ESA SCARLET Interface Framework is also addressed in order to allow the management of HoTSPOT from such environment.
13:00 - 14:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
14:00 - 14:05
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D1P4 - Polish Industry Incentive Scheme - Spacecrafts dedicated remotely disciplined frequency and time standard module (RDFTS) - Hertz Systems Ltd (Poland), Space Research Centre (Poland), Thales Alenia Space France
Marek Banaszkiewicz
Hertz Systems Ltd
Hertz Systems Ltd sp. z o. o.
D1P4 - Polish Industry Incentive Scheme - Spacecrafts dedicated remotely disciplined frequency and time standard module (RDFTS) - Hertz Systems Ltd (Poland), Space Research Centre (Poland), Thales Alenia Space France
Marek Banaszkiewicz
Hertz Systems Ltd
Hertz Systems Ltd sp. z o. o.
14:05 - 14:55
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The aim of the activity was to conduct a feasibility study of developing Remotely Disciplined Frequency and Time Standard module (RDFTS) capable to deliver GNSS position and provide precise time and frequency to various spacecraft subsystems. The design goals set for the project and corresponding analyses done at the feasibility stage proved better frequency and time stability than oscillators used so far in space missions. On the short time scale (milliseconds) RDFTS can improve the performance of spacecrafts instruments and secure their long term stability. The architecture of proposed solution includes build-in GNSS receiver. It is also ready for other external reference sources – e.g. signal from ground stations or other spacecrafts. It enables to create wide range of product families, for example frequency and time standards for interplanetary missions. The parameters of the module defined during the feasibility study assume that the module will have short-term (<1s) stability of an OCXO and long-term (>>1s) stability of the GNSS network based on rubidium oscillators. The module will provide PPS signal and standard frequency of 10 MHZ and its weight, depending on mission requirements, will be maximum 3kg. RDFTS will have a holdover of: (~1us/day) and navigation signals will be provided on standard ports by SpaceWire, MIL-STD-1553, CAN. All important components of the module will be redundant. On the basis of defined achievable parameters, many possible module applications have been identified: – Satellite platform on-board computer (versus the newest avionics requirements for platform synchronization, on-board time reference & driving the TM/TC board synchronization input) – Satellite communication systems (both platform and payload communication systems) – Formation Flying missions – Attitude and Orbit Control Systems – Optical Instrumentation: image synchronization with AOCS – Navigation systems and applications – Satellite one-way doppler ranging with a better short-term accuracy as a two-way doppler ranging – Space randez-vous – Telecom application – LEO constellation application – Earth Observation Missions – Radar systems (SAR, dopplerometrs, etc.) – Laser altimeters Small size and low power consumption of the module will satisfy future missions such as SAT-AIS PL, UV-SAT, Polish Dual Use observation satellite, Thales multiplatform mission. In summary, the module can: • Integrate time & frequency management functionality in one device • Provide time & frequency source more precise than quartz oscillator • Could be used as a Master Time Reference and replace more expensive atomic clocks • Maintain high precision, even if synchronising signal is unavailable • Provide position and receive, process and deliver signals from GPS, GALILEO and GLONASS.
D1P5 - ARTES AT - LNA-TEC Peltier Device for Telecom LNA Application - Sonaca Space GmbH (Germany), Thales Alenia Space (Italy), Active Space Technologies SA (Portugal)
Luca Celotti
Sonaca Space GmbH
D1P5 - ARTES AT - LNA-TEC Peltier Device for Telecom LNA Application - Sonaca Space GmbH (Germany), Thales Alenia Space (Italy), Active Space Technologies SA (Portugal)
Luca Celotti
Sonaca Space GmbH
14:55 - 15:25
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The Radio Frequency performances of LNA components on-board telecommunication satellites are proportional to the temperature at which they are kept. The lower it is, the better are the performances. This project focuses on the implementation of a Thermo-Electric Cooler (TEC) for the temperature control of the component, optimizing masses, size and power consumption, outside the LNA hermetic sealing. With respect to standard LNA design, this architecture allows to reduce the operational temperature of the LNA components and therefore to reduce the noise on the RF signal improving the performances of the equipment. This is however achieved with a limited increase in power consumption (supplied to the TEC elements) and power dissipation, with a minimal impact on the standard architecture. This last point is also the main advantage with respect to other solutions already developed for LNA cooling which need complex design and parts for cooling (e.g. a dedicated radiator, with all the necessary interfaces, heat-pipes…). The design studied in this project allows reducing the temperatures with minimal design changes to the system architecture. The final performances achieved and measured during thermal vacuum chamber campaign allow reducing the LNA Noise Figure by 0.4dB with the interface temperature at 60°C. The LNA performances are in this case comparable to those of the same unit without cooling device, but at 25°C boundary condition. This performance is achieved with a total power consumption of the cooling solution of 2.2W plus 0.39W for the control electronics and ca. 125 grams additional mass.
D1P6 - ARTES AT - NOVELO - IMST (Germany)
Ruediger Follmann
D1P6 - ARTES AT - NOVELO - IMST (Germany)
Ruediger Follmann
15:25 - 15:55
Room: Newton 1 & 2
In the NOVELO project a 8...12 GHz fractional-N synthesizer with very low phase noise and integrated VCOs was developed. This synthesizer has been combined with SORA VCO array in the meantime and can conver a frequency range from 1.5-24 GHz. Currently, an evaluation/qualification program is running with the help of DLR, Germany. Within this program NOVELO will be fully qualified within a package.
15:55 - 16:15
Room: Newton 1 & 2
16:15 - 16:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D1P7 - TRP - Widely-tunable MEMS LC tank for Wideband Oscillators - Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT), RF uTECH (IT)
Benno Margesin
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT)
D1P7 - TRP - Widely-tunable MEMS LC tank for Wideband Oscillators - Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT), RF uTECH (IT)
Benno Margesin
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT)
16:20 - 17:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The scope of the activity was to demonstrate that the Micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) system technology is able to provide resonators that combine a good phase noise control with wideband tunability, i.e. resonators with a high quality factor. The main target performance were: - Centre frequency 9 GHz 4.5 GHz - Phase noise @ 100 kHz <-105 dBc/Hz <-111 dBc/Hz - Phase noise @ 1 MHz <-130 dBc/Hz <-136 dBc/Hz - Tuning range >15 % >15 % - Output RL <-10 dBm <-10 dBm - Output level +10 dBm +10 dBm In the first phase two different resonator concepts, a planar concept based on the FBK RF MEMS technology and concept based on 3D metal cavities combined with MEMS varactors in planar technology were investigated. For both concepts, prototype resonators were designed, fabricated and measured. The resonator in planar technology resulted to be the best approach. In parallel a preliminary design of the wideband VCO was studied. The most promising approach was a Clapp architecture for which an experimental mock-up was made. The tests validated the design und simulation procedure for the oscillator. In phase two an optimized version of the LC tank design was realized together with 2 variants of a new design that made use of spiral inductors suspended in air. In order to further reduce the losses and guarantee high Q-values the devices were partially suspended on 50 µm thick silicon membranes obtained by integrating in the fabrication process a DRIE process module. Probe measurements of the MEMS resonators showed that the most promising design is the compact LC tank based on spiral inductors and a capacitive dual gap varactor. The final oscillator is based on commercially available electronic components mounted on dedicated circuitry boards on which the MEMS resonator is directly mounted and wire bonded. The functional tests included a full characterization of the phase noise, the frequency tuning range and the assessment of the thermal stability of the devices. The best results obtained are: - Oscillation frequency 2.6 GHz - Phase noise @ 100 kHz -104.5 dBc/Hz - Phase noise @ 1 MHz -120.4 dBc/Hz - Tuning range >20% ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] [1]: https://indico.esa.int:443/indico/event/170/picture/1.jpg [2]: https://indico.esa.int:443/indico/event/170/picture/2.jpg
D1P8 - ARTES AT - SiGe VCO Block - CoreHW (Finland), VTT (Finland)
Sami Sipilä
D1P8 - ARTES AT - SiGe VCO Block - CoreHW (Finland), VTT (Finland)
Sami Sipilä
17:00 - 17:30
Room: Newton 1 & 2
In this activity, the main objective was to design a SiGe VCO block for the frequency range of 1.25 GHz – 3.3 GHz with very low phase noise requirement. Two VCOs were designed, fabricated and measured; one VCO utilizing cross-coupled PMOS transistors and other HBT transistors. VCOs exploit RHBD techniques, such as triple redundancy and voting in digital control. VCOs were irradiated in ESTEC Co-60 facility. Total Dose was 1.354 kGy with rate of 31.48 Gy/h. No significant deterioration in VCO performance was observed compared to pre-irradiation measurements. VCOPMOS, operating up to 3.5 GHz, achieved phase noise lower than -112 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz within 1.25 GHz - 3.3 GHz. VCOBJT, operating from 0.7 GHz to 6.6 GHz, had phase noise of lower than -111 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz at the 1.25 GHz - 3.3 GHz. Output power of VCOs is higher than 0 dBm and S22 < -10 dB. Both VCOs operate from 5 V with current consumption less than 120 mA.
D1P9 - ARTES AT - HPLO - High Purity LO Source - Kongsberg Norspace AS (Norway)
Ben Jarle Imenes
Kongsberg Norspace
D1P9 - ARTES AT - HPLO - High Purity LO Source - Kongsberg Norspace AS (Norway)
Ben Jarle Imenes
Kongsberg Norspace
17:30 - 18:10
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Through the Artes-5.1 R&D project “HPLO” – High Purity LO Source with ESA, Kongsberg Norspace has demonstrated design solutions and building blocks that show exceptional performance. This will enable future payloads that will use higher order modulation schemes requiring more stringent phase noise requirements for both frequency conversion and low jitter sampling clocks in broadband data converters. In the program exceptional phase noise performance has been demonstrated. All elements have been carefully designed and optimized. All elements have been characterized and their contributions to the overall performance been investigated through simulations and practical trials in the lab. Finally a Elegant Breadboard of the VCO and the complete LO was developed and tested.
Welcome Cocktail
Welcome Cocktail
18:15 - 19:30
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Wednesday 15 February 2017
09:00 - 09:05
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Overview of the session program with introduction to the presented developments and the rationale behind. When possible, establish the link among the activities and link with existing roadmap/technical dossiers.
Antonio Morini
Not Only Wave (IT)
Antonio Morini
Not Only Wave (IT)
09:05 - 09:35
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The design of a space qualifiable tunable Ku-band bandpass channel filter is presented. The filter is able to be reconfigured once in orbit in terms of both center frequency (150 MHz approx.) and bandwidth (36/54/72 MHz). In order to match the performance characteristics of current state-of-the-art IMUX channel filter technology, in terms of Q-factor, amplitude/phase flatness and size/mass, dielectric resonator technology is employed. The actuation mechanism, composed by two (space-qualified) actuators and two displacement sensors per channel, is such as to deliver the positioning accuracy needed with very low power consumption (zero while in hold). The design, that accounts for the on-board environmental conditions and constrains such as temperature variation, microvibration and EMC rules, is supported by bread-boarding activities performed for both the RF and mechanical concepts.
D2P2 - TRP - Concepts and Techniques for Reconfigurable Multiplexers - Mician GmbH (Germany); Mician Global Engineering GbR (Germany); Honeywell (UK)
Uwe Rosenberg
Mician Global Engineering GbR
D2P2 - TRP - Concepts and Techniques for Reconfigurable Multiplexers - Mician GmbH (Germany); Mician Global Engineering GbR (Germany); Honeywell (UK)
Uwe Rosenberg
Mician Global Engineering GbR
09:35 - 10:25
Room: Newton 1 & 2
A reconfigurable multiplexer solution has been developed that allows flexible re-allocation of channels including contiguous/non-contiguous ones with variable center frequencies and bandwidths. Re-configurable high-Q filters and compensation circuits are directly coupled to a manifold. The novel filter designs are capable to provide remote controlled bandwidth and center frequency tuning of the channel responses with only two actuation drives. This filter solution has been proven by EM designs as well as by measured results of a remote controlled hardware implementation with TE113 dual-mode cavities. The compensation circuits are adapting the adjacent channel impedances when replacing contiguous channels, to avoid complex retuning needs for the channel filters. A 3-channel OMUX design at 11GHz with three re-configurable channel filters and three compensation circuits is introduced to validate the general solution. The application of TE113 dual-mode filters with only 2 actuation drives facilitate compactness, low mass and high reliability of the overall OMUX design. The EM analyses results for the different channel settings, including contiguous/non-contiguous channels with variable center frequencies and bandwidths demonstrate the feasibility of reconfigurable OMUX implementations with state-of-the-art space proven and qualified technologies. Thus, a feasible immediate realization of such multiplexer equipment for satellite missions in the near future will be possible.
D2P3 - ITI - Highly Efficient Computer Aided Design tool for the electromagnetic analysis of waveguide filters based on arbitrarily-shaped structures for space and ground applications - AURORASAT (Spain), UPV (Spain)
Carlos Vicente
D2P3 - ITI - Highly Efficient Computer Aided Design tool for the electromagnetic analysis of waveguide filters based on arbitrarily-shaped structures for space and ground applications - AURORASAT (Spain), UPV (Spain)
Carlos Vicente
10:25 - 10:55
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The main goal of the activity proposed for this ITI, is to implement an efficient software tool for the design of complex passive microwave components for space applications in waveguide technology, such as coaxial combline filters. This software tool shall be capable to predict high power phenomena such as Multipactor and Corona breakdown discharge. For this purpose, the team proposed will combine the advanced numerical methods for electromagnetic analysis developed by the Inventor, with the algorithms implemented by the Developer to predict high power phenomena. In order to validate this software tool, the Developer shall design, manufacture and test at least two different typologies of coaxial combline filters. Finally the Developer shall integrate the software developed into the CAD tool for the design of passive RF components FEST3D, which is currently commercialized by the Customer. Therefore, the Customer shall obtain an added-value product ready to tackle the market.
10:55 - 11:15
Room: Newton 1 & 2
11:15 - 11:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D2P4 - ARTES C&G - Development of a Ka-Band Preselect Filter - TRYO Aerospace (Spain)
Miguel Esteras
TRYO Aerospace
D2P4 - ARTES C&G - Development of a Ka-Band Preselect Filter - TRYO Aerospace (Spain)
Miguel Esteras
TRYO Aerospace
11:20 - 11:50
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The goal of the activity was to develop and test an Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) for a Preselect Filter working in the Ka-Band. The activity also included: - A first study to consolidate the mission needs and to get the requirements at filter level. - A second stage was dedicated to the electrical design of the unit, and confirmation of the simulated results by means of a breadboard. - After that, a dedicated mechanical analysis was performed. - Tunability and possibility of a tuneless filter was also checked. - An EQM was manufactured and tested at qualification levels (including shock vibration), providing successful results and confirming the electrical and mechanical validity of the chosen option.
Paul Booth
Airbus Defence and Space Ltd
Giuseppe Salza
Space Engineering
Jonathan Meyer
Airbus Innovations
Paul Booth
Airbus Defence and Space Ltd
Giuseppe Salza
Space Engineering
Jonathan Meyer
Airbus Innovations
11:50 - 12:40
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Using 3D manufacturing techniques to develop single mode and dual mode waveguide filters. To design filters without being bounded by traditional manufacturing techniques. The development of new resonant cavity shaping to not only control the in band performance of the filter but also the out-of-band. In effect having dual functionality in one unit; in one shared space. The limitation with the dual mode is having to already share the same physical space with two resonances, this then only allows you limited changes to the structure which will hold these resonances. The single mode filter showed much more flexibility than the dual mode. The single mode filter has been completely reimagined and the results are benefits technically and commercially. This project designed and built samples, developed an optimisation algorithm, and put these findings into a final build Dual and Single Mode filter.
D2P6 - TRP - Techniques for ultra wide stopband IF Filters - Heriot-Watt University (UK)
D2P6 - TRP - Techniques for ultra wide stopband IF Filters - Heriot-Watt University (UK)
12:40 - 13:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
the objective of this project activity is to develop two different new design techniques with different filtering configurations, namely Concept I Filter and Concept II filter, for IF filters with compact footprint, ultra-wide stopband as well as equivalent high-Q performance(i.e. low insertion loss variation and high selectivity by using low-Q resonators). All of proposed circuit samples or techniques have been verified by experiments along with measured results by using LCP bonded multiplayer PCB technology. Filters based on Concept II have been manufactured by using LTCC technology. Also the technique of Concept II has been applied to design for a very wideband filter.
13:20 - 14:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
14:20 - 14:25
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D2P7 - ARTES C&G - High Performance C-/ Ka-Band Coax Circulators - Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Tobias Kässer
Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co.KG
D2P7 - ARTES C&G - High Performance C-/ Ka-Band Coax Circulators - Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Tobias Kässer
Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co.KG
14:25 - 14:55
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Coaxial circulators for both low and high power application and a coaxial load for high power application (all in C-band 3.4 – 4.2 GHz) have been designed and qualification tested for space application. For low power application, a set of circulators and isolators (with integrated load) with SMA interface have been realized with a robust microstrip design that can be manufactured with standard MIC processes. The high-power circulator has TNC interface and is in stripline technology, allowing for a power level of 125W. Also the load has TNC interface and can support 125W with a microstrip design, distributing the incoming power into 32 resistive films; the use of beryllium-oxide is omitted. The components are key components for integrated assemblies such as Imuxes or ONETs, but also as standalone units. Qualification testing has been performed successfully with environmental levels enveloping known requirements from satellite manufacturers for geostationary orbit application. In addition, low power circulators and isolators have been developed with the same design approach for various other frequency bands (C-band uplink 5.8 – 7.1 GHz, X-band 7.25 – 8.4GHz, Ku –band uplink 12.75 – 15.0 GHz, and Ka-band downlink 17.7 – 20.2 and 20.2 – 22.0 GHz). Choice of and qualification of materials and processes have been achieved successfully, electrical design has matured to specified levels. Qualification of these components was finally done in commercial satellite programs. Each of the variants mentioned has been delivered as part of higher order assemblies or as stand-alone components to commercial costumers for space application. Main Benefits • Qualified against all known environmental levels for geostationary satellite application • Short predictable lead time due to design optimized for use of automated manufacturing processes (MIC technology) • Especially for SMA variants and TNC load: stress-free and hence robust design • Mass / volume optimized for use use in higher-order assemblies such as Imuxes or ONETs.
D2P8 - ARTES AT - Q-band High Power Isolator - Honeywell Aerospace (UK)
Andreas Papanastasiou
Honeywell Aerospace (UK)
D2P8 - ARTES AT - Q-band High Power Isolator - Honeywell Aerospace (UK)
Andreas Papanastasiou
Honeywell Aerospace (UK)
14:55 - 15:25
Room: Newton 1 & 2
A compact waveguide isolator has been developed, providing full reverse-power protection for TWTAs with 100W RF CW output, to be qualified for use in the next generation of Q-band multi-beam satellite missions. Using a classical quarter-wave coupled resonator Y-junction circulator design with a mixed metal housing and high conductivity material bonding allowed the full 100W of RF power to be handled in full reflection condition without overheating the junction ferrite discs. A dual-channel waveguide load was designed to dissipate the 100W RF power in ceramic absorber elements over a large area. Thermal analysis was employed to optimise the mechanical element design of the RF-characterised load material to average out the heat distribution over the elements whilst maintaining RF performance characteristics. Although RF finite element analysis was used in the design of the circulator, manufacturing tolerances were critical in realising the s-parameter performance over the desired bandwidth. The isolator design was targeted to achieve a 5GHz bandwidth centred on 40GHz with 22dB return loss and 23dB isolation over the -10 to +85°C temperature range, however the manufactured isolator was centred 2.5GHz lower in frequency. It was tested beyond the rated maximum power in TVAC at Honeywell’s Aylesbury facility and confirmed low loss, high isolation performance even under full reflection conditions.
D2P9 - ARTES C&G - RF coaxial Very High Power TNC connectors range - RADIALL SA (France)
D2P9 - ARTES C&G - RF coaxial Very High Power TNC connectors range - RADIALL SA (France)
15:25 - 15:55
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Radiall has developed and qualified a new serie of TNC connectors under ARTES 5.1 and 3 contract. Radiall has qualified a complete range of Very High Power TNC connectors. 14 variants have been created and qualified, and three new ESCC detail specifications have been created.
15:55 - 16:15
Room: Newton 1 & 2
16:15 - 16:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D2P10 - GSP - Development of graphene based THz and X-ray radiation detectors: feasibility study - VTT (Finland)
Andrey Timofeev
D2P10 - GSP - Development of graphene based THz and X-ray radiation detectors: feasibility study - VTT (Finland)
Andrey Timofeev
16:20 - 17:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Graphene is a promising material for X-ray- and specially for THz detection. Here we report the results on graphene X-ray detection based on absorbing substrate with graphene as the sensing element for the capacitive changes in the substrate due to X-ray absorption and in THz detection based on the overdamped plasma-waves in graphene field effect transistors. We also review the quality of the commercially available graphene purchased from different vendors at three continents.
D2P11 - GSP - Development of graphene based THz and X-ray radiation detectors: feasibility study - University of Leicester (UK)
Jamie O D Williams
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester
D2P11 - GSP - Development of graphene based THz and X-ray radiation detectors: feasibility study - University of Leicester (UK)
Jamie O D Williams
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester
17:00 - 17:40
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Graphene offers great potential as a technology for fast photodetectors due to its unique electronic characteristics, which include very high carrier mobility, and sensitivity of its conductivity to external doping. We begin by reviewing the state of the art of graphene research, including fundamental research, graphene synthesis, manufacturing processes used to develop devices, and research into applications. We then describe the development of within this project of two graphene-based detectors: a terahertz detector capable of detecting 1.2THz, and an X-ray detector aimed at single photon sensitivity, both designed for operation at room temperature. There is high demand for fast, broadband terahertz photodetectors in a wide range of fields including space communications, security and imaging in both commerce and scientific research. We report on the development of a totally passive graphene-based broadband terahertz detector utilizing the Dyakanov-Shur effect [1] [2]. The device, which is based around a graphene field effect transistor geometry, generates an intrinsic photovoltage on illumination with THz radiation with no requirement for a drain-source voltage. We present a theoretical study of the detector response and use simulation software to design and optimise the detector antennae. We present our latest experimental results obtained using broadband pulsed and tunable cw laser sources, including estimates of the sensitivity of the device. We propose routes to further improve sensitivity and discuss the scope for narrowband THz detectors, and arrays of detectors for imaging, at frequencies where such technology is not readily available. We also report on developments towards a fast, simple and cheap to manufacture single X-ray photodetectors that utilises the field effect and operates at room temperature, and could have applications in fields such as space sciences and medical imaging. The device, which is based around a graphene field effect transistor geometry, generates charge carriers in the absorber that result in a measurable change of conductivity of the graphene channel [3] [4] [5]. We consider the absorber dynamics and transport properties of the graphene to design our detector, and present our experimental results obtained using a pulsed optical laser source and low intensity Fe-55 source at 5.9 keV to probe the energy sensitivity of the detector. We propose routes to further improve sensitivity and SNR by iterating the detector design and geometry, and discuss the scope for arrays of detectors for imaging.
Thursday 16 February 2017
09:00 - 09:05
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D3P1 - ARTES C&G - K/Ka-Band CP OMT for Complete Band Suitable for MultiBeam Applications - TRYO Aerospace (Spain)
Jesús García
TRYO Aerospace
D3P1 - ARTES C&G - K/Ka-Band CP OMT for Complete Band Suitable for MultiBeam Applications - TRYO Aerospace (Spain)
Jesús García
TRYO Aerospace
09:05 - 09:35
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The goal of the activity was to design, manufacture and qualify an Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) for a circularly polarized OMT for complete K/Ka-Band (TX: 17.7-20.2GHz & RX: 27.0 – 30.0 GHz). The activity envisaged the following aspects: - Electrical, and thermomechanical analyses based on the typical requirements for this type of product. - A detailed view of the manufacturing aspects, since a large number of units is usually required for this type of element. An EQM was manufactured and tested at qualification levels (including shock vibration and PIM test), providing successful results and confirming the electrical and mechanical validity of the chosen option.
D3P2 - ARTES C&G - Modular High-Power Ku-Band Feed Chains - Airbus Defence and Space (Germany)
Enrico Reiche
Airbus DS GmbH
D3P2 - ARTES C&G - Modular High-Power Ku-Band Feed Chains - Airbus Defence and Space (Germany)
Enrico Reiche
Airbus DS GmbH
09:35 - 10:05
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Three innovative and modular high power Ku-band feed chains for the use on many satellite busses (like Eurostar E3000) have developed, manufactured and space qualified at Airbus Defence and Space under ESA contract (Artes 3-4). The first product is a feed chain for FSS Tx/Rx mission scenarios. The second one cover combined FSS/BSS Tx/Rx mission scenarios. Both feed chains are dual linearly polarised. The third feed chain is designed for BSS Tx/Rx mission scenarios using dual circular polarisation. All three feed products can be used for different antenna configurations, like global horn antennas, single offset side-deployable antennas and dual reflector antennas. The FSS Tx/Rx and FSS/BSS Tx/Rx feed chains can be complemented by filters (di-, tri- or quadruplexer) in order to separate the service/frequency bands. Key aspects of the development were generic and modular feed chain designs in order to cover different service applications and antenna configurations, combined Tx/Rx operations over an extended service frequency bandwidth, minimisation of cross polar resonances by the use of Eccosorb loads, minimisation of ohmic losses for less dissipation power in order to enable the use of a conventional thermal concept based on thermal radiators, improved high power handling to cover current and future expected customer needs and the use of milling for less machining tolerances, a lower surface roughness and to minimise lead time and manufacturing costs. The EQM feed chains were S-parameter and range tested. All measurement results show an excellent RF performance. A very good agreement of the measurements before and after environmental tests was achieved, giving evidence that the hardware was not damaged during the tests. The high power handling was successfully validated by multipaction tests with an input power of 6000 W per polarisation. The very good PIM performance was demonstrated with 3rd order thermal PIM tests using 2x140 W and 2x110 W for the FSS Tx/Rx and FSS/BSS Tx/Rx feed chains, respectively. For the BSS Tx/Rx feed chain 6th and 7th order thermal PIM tests were conducted. The feed chains were thermally PIM tested over a temperature range of -100°C to +140°C. The measured PIM level is mainly below the noise floor fully satisfying the specifications. In order to verify, that the feed chains can survive the mechanical stress during launch and the thermal stress in a geostationary orbit, a vibration test and a thermal cycling test were performed. The feed chains withstand the environmental tests without any damage or changes. The proposed FSS Tx/Rx and FSS/BSS Tx/Rx feed chains are already used for commercial flight programs, which approve the commercial success and application of this development activity.
D3P3 - ARTES C&G - Q/V-Band feed system development - Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (UK)
Richard Roberts
Airbus Defence and Space Ltd
D3P3 - ARTES C&G - Q/V-Band feed system development - Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (UK)
Richard Roberts
Airbus Defence and Space Ltd
10:05 - 10:55
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The purpose of this activity has been to develop a Q/V-band feed system (EM), suited to gateway applications in GEO telecoms satellites VHTS systems. The initial phase of the program comprised of a design trade-off study where alternative feed architectures were evaluated and critical components for 2 main alternative architectures were then selected for breadboard design, manufacture and test. As a result of the bread-boarding phase, a single feed architecture was selected for the full EM product development(6-port Q/V-band feed system). The core polarisation network operates in both LHCP & RHCP over the full Q/V-band allocated to FSS. The EM feed has met the return loss, isolation & axial ratio performance requirements and demonstrates an excellent agreement with predicted performance. Additionally, the mechanical design of the EM feed successfully met a target minimum feed spacing of 26mm in order to be suitable for more cost efficient antenna geometries using smaller reflectors. The modular design consists of a wideband polariser and OMT for the core polarisation network. This is augmented with a project specific horn and triplexers for the full feed system (EM).
10:55 - 11:15
Room: Newton 1 & 2
11:15 - 11:20
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D3P4 - TRP - Ultralight Reflector Mesh Material for Very Large Reflector Antennas - Space Engineering S.p.A. (IT), Institut fur Textiltechnik Aaachen (DE), Universita degli Studi di Pavia (IT), Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT)
Marzia Migliorelli
Space Engineering S.p.A.
D3P4 - TRP - Ultralight Reflector Mesh Material for Very Large Reflector Antennas - Space Engineering S.p.A. (IT), Institut fur Textiltechnik Aaachen (DE), Universita degli Studi di Pavia (IT), Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT)
Marzia Migliorelli
Space Engineering S.p.A.
11:20 - 12:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The objectives of the activity are: - to carry out reliable implementation of necessary processes for the realisation of ultra-light mesh material for large reflector antennas from P to Ka-band, supported by analyses and testing, - to carry out different sample tests and derive mesh parameters, - to demostrate the manufacturing capability by European suppliers of a large size EM mesh, including the joining process between mesh segments, capable of covering a 6 meters diameter aperture with a predefined curvature. - for the contractor to make a commercial offer for the delivery of the mesh at TRL5 suitable to equip a 6 meter reflector. The validation of the mesh, its knitting and assembly processes shall be carried out by tests (comprising RF tests, PIM tests, mechanical/structural, thermal, thermo-elastic, thermal cycling and ageing). The activity shall end with a TRL of 5 for the mesh production at sample level and a demonstration of the manufacturing capability of reflector mesh in Europe.
D3P5 - TRP - Innovative Scalable Large Deployable Antenna Reflector - HPS (Germany) & LSS GmbH (Germany)
Leri Datashvili
Large Space Structures GmbH
Paolo Proietti Zolla
D3P5 - TRP - Innovative Scalable Large Deployable Antenna Reflector - HPS (Germany) & LSS GmbH (Germany)
Leri Datashvili
Large Space Structures GmbH
Paolo Proietti Zolla
12:00 - 12:40
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The need for Large Reflector Antennas is not a new one, and has been addressed since the very beginning of space communication. The demand for ever bigger apertures is, and will be, always present throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, including optical and high energy devices, as it is the most effective way to observe or process faint sources or operate with lower power consumption and focalize energy on wanted areas without disturbing or being disturbed by the surrounding areas. The maximum launcher payload fairing with a diameter up to a little bit more than 5 meters allows launching antennas as big as 4 m to 6 m by wing folding artifices or elliptical rim profile. Furthermore large launchers are very expensive and the commercial satellite industry is very sensitive to the envelope volume of the satellite in launch configuration. Considering also payload restrictions led to the development of alternative concepts, which became known as “Large Deployable Antennas” or LDAs. They utilize different means of stowing and unfolding a bigger than 4 m antenna structure and make it that way compatible with standard launchers. From the European point of view there is currently a dependence of USA industry as large deployable reflectors are not available from European suppliers. The applications range for reflectors for telecommunication, Earth observation as well as science missions. One of ESA’s initiated studies was the “SCALABLE” (Innovative Scalable Large Deployable Antenna Reflectors) project which is led by HPS GmbH responsible for the antenna subsystem and the metallic mesh with subcontract mainly to Large Space Structures (LSS) responsible for the reflector assembly development. The objective of this project was to identify, design and demonstrate the mechanical feasibility of a European large antenna reflector dish having intrinsic scaling capability to cover 4 m to 18 m projected aperture diameter and frequency range from UHF to Ka-band. As a proof of concept, a deployable engineering model with 5 m projected aperture diameter was developed, manufactured and tested under ambient conditions.
D3P6 - ESEO - Highly Integrated Antenna and Broadband Communication & Data Handling Onboard Unit for ESEO microsatellite - Wroclaw University of Sciences and Technology (Poland)
Pawel Kabacik
Wroclaw University of Sciences and Technologies
D3P6 - ESEO - Highly Integrated Antenna and Broadband Communication & Data Handling Onboard Unit for ESEO microsatellite - Wroclaw University of Sciences and Technology (Poland)
Pawel Kabacik
Wroclaw University of Sciences and Technologies
12:40 - 13:10
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The paper presents miniaturization results of our research aiming at development of the onboard communication and data handling system for small satellites: (i) 10 Mbps 2W S-band radio transmitter sharing on-board data handling tasks with the satellite computers (ii) S-band antenna being a part of the presented communication subsystem All submodules are developed in-house as the customized design. The work was performed over a dozen year under ESA Education and various Engineering Departments. The system has passed space qualification procedure in 2015 and is being prepared for implemention into the flight model of the ESEO microsatellite. After presenting main features of the system developed, the paper is focused on hardware and software optimization aspects. There are three printed boards in the device: digital, microwave and dc supply unit. Among main constraints were power consumption by the device (no more than 10 Watts). The optimization of the digital part was concentrated on CCSDS channel coding and optimum use of the integrated modulation circuit (a single COTS circuit) and the satellite 32 to 128 MB mass storage (the size of the storage is adjustable to the mission requirements). The mass of the space qualified unit is under close to 0.7 kg. The microwave part comprises power amplification, filtering and impedance matching circuits. As the transmitter may operates close to the 10 MHz subband for communication with the deep space spacecraft, a special measures were used to meet requirements for spurious radiation in this frequency range (2290-2300 MHz). The paper presents the antenna developed for the system. The antenna has shaped radiation pattern to enable faster data exchange when satellite is at low elevation angles. A great accomplishment is lightweight antenna structure: the total mass of the S-band antenna is between 35 and 40 grams, depending on fixation and grounding details. The paper presents several results of tests both for the transmitter and for the antenna, including thermal-vacuum tests. The attention is given to dc supply testing that must meet dozens of safety requirements assuring the dc busses of the spacecraft remains intact regardless adverse developments at the transmitter in a case of failure.
13:10 - 14:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
14:00 - 14:05
Room: Newton 1 & 2
14:05 - 14:35
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The contract was to develop a Transmit (TX) and Receive (RX) 94GHz radar front end module using devices that Arralis had previously developed under ESA Contract No. 4000112479/14/NL/GLC. This involved putting the devices into modules, designing an 'in-line' microstrip to waveguide transition and developing additional multi-function MMICs or 'core chips' to make the module assembly easier. In addition, as the previous LNA had been designed on a MMIC process optimised for power (and not noise), an additional LNA MMIC was designed using a different foundry process, to improve the overall noise figure of the receiver module.
D3P8 - TRP - GaN Power stage based on European technology for Navigation SSPA in L-band - THALES ALENIA SPACE (France)
Thales Alenia Space
D3P8 - TRP - GaN Power stage based on European technology for Navigation SSPA in L-band - THALES ALENIA SPACE (France)
Thales Alenia Space
14:35 - 15:05
Room: Newton 1 & 2
The aim of this ESA-TRP study is to develop a SSPA output power section for navigation in L-band in the range of 120-150 W capable of power flexibility. This power stage will be based on GaN technology coming from European industrial Foundry. By the way, the main proposed activity is to design, manufacture and test a hybrid HPA module at L-band based on the United Monolithic Semiconductors 0.5μm (GH50) technology
D3P9 - ARTES AT - SSPA with Reduced Footprint - Thales Alenia Space (France)
D3P9 - ARTES AT - SSPA with Reduced Footprint - Thales Alenia Space (France)
15:05 - 15:35
Room: Newton 1 & 2
In the frame of an ESA ARTES 5.1 study and with the support of CNES, Thales Alenia Space-France developed a new EM L-band SSPA equipment using European GaN Technology from United Monolithic Semiconductors. This new equipment is dedicated to the entire renewal market of constellations of mobile communications satellites. The relevant characteristics of this new L-band GaN SSPA equipment are: · A GaN output power section based on MLA and HPA modules using the UMS GaN process and highly dissipative package solution. The power section includes also a high power isolator based on a vertical TNC output connector to facilitate implementation of the SSPA equipment during payload integration. · A low level GaAs RF chain including a linearizer module to compensate the non-linearities of the GaN power section. · An EPC-TMTC card dedicated to GaAs and GaN RF chain and designed to meet electrical&thermal challenges (new card vertically oriented to be compatible with reduced footprint SSPA and enabling an optimized thermal path and low weight design). · A vertical mechanical structure including thermal management solution in order to achieve footprint reduction and to guaranty a qualification temperature limits in operating mode from - 10°C to +90°C. The selection of the thermal management solutions is based on a detailed trade-off including bibliography activities, thermal analysis and thermal measurements of new material and devices. The EM L-band SSPA was measured with different type of signals. With a CW signal, at hot temperature (85°C) and in the useful frequency bandwidth of [1,518 – 1,559 GHz], the equipment delivers an output power of 43W with an associated PAE of 53%. Total mass of the EM L-band SSPA equipment is 1,44kg with dimensions L=240mm, W=105mm, H=124mm. Mechanical tests covering different platforms and thermal vacuum tests were succesfully performed showing that this new GaN equipment is ready to flight.
15:35 - 15:55
Room: Newton 1 & 2
15:55 - 16:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
D3P10 - ARTES C&G - 300W Ku-Band Single FPM - Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Jens Freese
Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG
D3P10 - ARTES C&G - 300W Ku-Band Single FPM - Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Jens Freese
Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG
16:00 - 16:30
Room: Newton 1 & 2
To improve the flexibility of the individual satellite, TESAT has developed the new product line of Flexible Programmable Microwave Power Modules (FPMs). Building on this FPM concept in order to gain an attractive product for Tesat’s main customers the main task of the project “300W Ku-Band Single FPM” involved the development of a EPC/LCAMP assembly for higher power class FPM in the currently most frequently employed frequency band for telecommunication payloads, a 300W Ku-Band Single FPM. A subsequent qualification campaign to verify the performance needed in a space environment and conducted using an EQM EPC/LCAMP assembly with a representative 300W TWT concluded the project. The EPC built within the project showed the capability to handle more than 500W of DC power and the ability to adapt the RF output power of the TWT to an instantly in-orbit needed level in a range of 3 dB. A high-performance serial TM/TC interface (CAN) has proven its capability to control and observe the whole amplifier in operation. With this project Tesat has developed and qualified an improved product to complement the current spectrum of Tesat’s amplifier products.
D3P11 - TRP - Switch Mode Amplifier for P band - TTI (Spain), IMST GmbH (Germany), Tor Vergata (Italy)
Lorena Cabria
D3P11 - TRP - Switch Mode Amplifier for P band - TTI (Spain), IMST GmbH (Germany), Tor Vergata (Italy)
Lorena Cabria
16:30 - 17:00
Room: Newton 1 & 2
This project deals with the design, manufacturing and characterization of a complete Radiofrequency Pulse Width Modulation (RF-PWM) transmitter working in the P band (435 MHz). The RF-PWM unit is constituted by a pulse width controlled driver (PWCD) able to directly drive a class E switched mode power amplifier (SMPA). The SMPA is based on 40 W packaged GaN transistor by UMS (CHK040A). The PWCD chip includes the pulse width modulation and driving functions realized on the 250 nm BiCMOS process from IHP (SGB25VGD). A maximum output power of 44 W with an associated drain efficiency higher than 71% have been obtained in a static characterization. Moreover, the capability of controlling the output power level in a dynamic range of 4.2 dB by transforming the AM signal in a constant amplitude signal with variable duty cycle at transistor input has been proved. The behaviour of the unit when is excited with different digital modulated signals has been checked. Good linearity (EVM and ACPR) and average efficiency figures have been obtained when the unit is excited with signals with 4.4 dB of dynamic range and baseband bandwidths of 1 MHz. The good linearity, efficiency and output power results obtained with a pulse signal excitation validated the potential use of the unit in radar applications.
D3P12 - ARTES AT - WIDEBAND HIGHLY-EFFICIENT KA-BAND TWTS - Thales Electron Devices (France)
Thales Electron Devices FRANCE
D3P12 - ARTES AT - WIDEBAND HIGHLY-EFFICIENT KA-BAND TWTS - Thales Electron Devices (France)
Thales Electron Devices FRANCE
17:00 - 17:30
Room: Newton 1 & 2
Goal of this Artes program was : - to design a space TWT which delivers 240W minimum between 17.3 and 20.2 GHz with radiation cooling version, - to manufacture an EM model.