The objective of GRL project is to build a Level 1 processing module as a series of standalone processing building blocks for radiometric and geometric image processing for Earth Observation space-born sensors.
Starting from raw data (Level 0), orbit/attitude and sensor auxiliary info, GRL Level 1 Processing Module is able to generate Level-1 products applying radiometric and geometric corrections in a fully configurable and modular way.
GRL is part of E2E Mission Performance simulations for Earth Observation missions. These tools are useful to assess the mission performance and support the consolidation of the technical requirements and conceptual design, as well as to allow end-users assessing the fulfillment of requirements of a future mission.
A wide range of instrument types are covered by GRL, including:
- optical passive Multi-band imagers (also called multi-spectral imagers, i,e, with spectral separation achieved by individual filters for each spectral band);
- Spectro-imager (also called spectrometers, i.e. with spectral separation achieved by a dispersive element, such as a prism or a grating);
- radiometers (passive optical instruments that rely on a very accurate measurement of the radiance, usually with lower spatial and/or spectral resolution than the two previous types of instruments).
The L1 processing module and the associated building blocks cover all the spectral range from UV (ultra-violet) to TIR (Thermal Infra Red). In addition, GRL covers all types of image acquisition concepts, in particular: pushbroom, whiskbroom and matrix.
A complete overview of the GRL radiometric and geometric functionalities will be given including processing results obtained by using real data acquired by ESA Missions (i.e. Sentinel-2, PROBA-V) and by Third Part Missions (i.e. Landsat ETM+).
ESA Technical Officer | Claudia Isola |