Nuno Silva
(Critical Software)
On-board computers (OBC) for space applications pose a major challenge for the industry due to their small production and limited in-service historical data (both for hardware and software). Thus, dependability statistical data, that can influence the specification, design and validation of OBCs, is quite limited. This study, initiated in the frame of ESA harmonization policy, represents the initiation phase of the development/procurement of on-board computers and means to improve dependability assurance. The study established generic requirements for the procurement or development of on-board computers, based on the SAVOIR specification, with a focus on well-defined reliability, availability, and maintainability requirements, as well as a generic methodology for planning, predicting and assessing the dependability of on-board computers hardware and software throughout their life cycle. Guidelines for creating evidences and arguments to support dependability assurance of on-board computers hardware and software throughout the complete lifecycle have been defined, including an assessment of feasibility aspects of the dependability assurance process and how the use of computer-aided environment can contribute to the on-board computer dependability assurance. The study is currently in the phase of applying the defined methodology and guidelines to a real case study.
This presentation includes an overview of the on-board computers generic requirements, presents the defined dependability plan and approach, describes the dependability measures and methodology, introduces the dependability assurance guidelines for the production of evidences, and discusses the current application of the methodology and the collection of the evidences to a real case-study, leaving space for discussion and future improvement work.
Primary author
Nuno Silva
(Critical Software)
Claudio Monteleone
(ESA/Data Systems Division)