7th ESA Workshop on Avionics, Data, Control and Software Systems - ADCSS 2013

Newton (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
Alain Benoit (ESA/Head of Control Systens Division), Kjeld Hjortnaes (ESA/Head of Software Division), Philippe Armbruster (ESTEC/Head of Software Systems Division)
The 7th ESA Workshop on Avionics Data, Control and Software Systems (ADCSS-2013) covers topics related to avionics for space applications, in the form of a set of round tables. The workshop acts as a forum for the presentation of position papers followed by discussion and interaction between ESA and Industry and between participants. Each theme part of ADCSS workshops will be first introduced and then expanded by presentations on related developments from technical and programmatic points of view. A round table discussion follows, concluded by a synthesis outlining further actions and roadmaps for potential inclusion into ESA’s technology R&D plans.
Attendance to the workshop is free of charge.
Registration is required via this website not later than October 14th, 2013--> Registration extended until 17th of October incl.
Large exhibitors area is foreseen. Companies wishing to exhibit products or related developments are invited to contact the ADCSS 2013 organiser Bertilla Sinka for further information.

All material presented at the workshop must, before submission, be cleared of any restrictions preventing it from being published on the ADCSS web-site.
ADCSS brochure
For information please write to Bertilla Sinka
  • adil hakeem khan
  • Alain BENOIT
  • Alain Rossignol
  • Alessandro Avanzi
  • Alessandro Cingoli
  • Alexander Finch
  • Alfons Crespo
  • Ana Raposo
  • Anders Petersén
  • Andrea Martelli
  • Andreas Jung
  • Andreas Schüttauf
  • Andrei Oganessian
  • Angelos Tsaousis
  • Antonio Ramos
  • Antonis Tavoularis
  • ARBERET Paul
  • Armin Schwab
  • Bart Kienhuis
  • Benoit Chamot
  • Bernd Wolff
  • Bernhard Brünjes
  • Bertilla Sinka
  • Boleat christian
  • Bruno Carvalho
  • Bruno Storni
  • Busseuil Jacques
  • CALMET Xavier
  • Carlos Urbina Ortega
  • Carsten Jørgensen
  • Charles Cramer
  • Chris Taylor
  • christophe BOUCHERON
  • Christophe Molon-Noblot
  • Claudio Monteleone
  • Congying Han
  • Daniel González
  • David Jameux
  • David Merodio Codinachs
  • David Peter McGuinness
  • DEREDEMPT Marie-Hélène
  • Diego Biz
  • Diego De Rosa
  • Dirk Thurnes
  • Divya Krishnamoorthy
  • Dominique Torette
  • Ed Kuijpers
  • Elena Alaña Salazar
  • Elena Maiorano
  • Eric Bornschlegl
  • Eric Verhulst
  • Fabian Greif
  • Fabio Antonini
  • Fabio Di Giorgio
  • Farid Guettache
  • Felice Torelli
  • Feron Jean-Brieuc
  • Florian Reger
  • Francesca Rossi
  • Francesco Ortix
  • Francisco Gutiérrez
  • Frank Dannemann
  • Friedrich Schön
  • Frédéric Vidy
  • Gabriele Tiotto
  • Gaël Blondelle
  • Gianluca Furano
  • Giorgio Magistrati
  • Giovanni Tuccio
  • Guillermo Ortega
  • Görkem Kocagözoğlu
  • Hans van der Meij
  • Hector Naranjo
  • Henri de la Vallée Poussin
  • Hiroshi Osaki
  • Holger Zeltwanger
  • iacopo breschi
  • Jan Andersson
  • Javier Jalle
  • Jean Cheganças
  • Jean DALENQ
  • Jean-Baptiste Gratadour
  • Jean-Francois Dufour
  • Jean-Loup TERRAILLON
  • Jean-Paul Blanquart
  • Jens Hartmann
  • Jian Guo
  • Joan Ametller
  • Joan Clua
  • Joaquim Rosa
  • Joaquim Sanmartí
  • Joerg Flemmig
  • John-Paul Coetzee
  • Jorgen Ilstad
  • Jose F. Moreno
  • José Faria
  • João Brito
  • Juan Antonio de la Puente
  • Juan Antonio Montesinos
  • Kjeld Hjortnaes
  • Koen Puimege
  • Kostas Marinis
  • LE MEUR Patrick
  • Luc Planche
  • Luca Fossati
  • Luca Marrocchi
  • Luis Basanta
  • Lydia HUTIN
  • Mahir ÇAKIR
  • MArco Battistoni
  • Marco Rovatti
  • Marco Ruiz
  • Marco Zulianello
  • Maria Hernek
  • Massimiliano Mazza
  • Massimo Casasco
  • Massimo Ferraguto
  • Matthew Rowlings
  • Matthias Mäke-Kail
  • Matthias Zingler
  • Maurizio Caramia
  • Michael Brahm
  • Michael Schön
  • Miguel Munoz Arancon
  • Milos Melicher
  • Mircea GROSU
  • Mirko Rummelhagen
  • Murat KARAHAN
  • Nawarat Termtanasombat
  • Nick Panagiotopoulos
  • Nicolas Frouvelle
  • Nieves Salor Moral
  • Nitesh Thapa
  • Nuno Silva
  • Onur Turhan
  • Orhan Ugurlu
  • Osman BALCI
  • patrice graziotin
  • Paul Parisis
  • Peter Dieleman
  • Peter Matthijs
  • Peter Mendham
  • PETIT Jean-Luc
  • Philippe ARMBRUSTER
  • Philippe Creten
  • Pieter Suanet
  • Piotr Makowski
  • Polle Bernard
  • Raoul Grimoldi
  • René Schwarz
  • Richard Jansen
  • Rodriguez Ana
  • Rémi Clavier
  • Sabine Krueger
  • Salvador Trujillo
  • Sante Candia
  • Serge Valera
  • Sjaak Koot
  • Spyros Sofianos
  • Stanislav Podshivalov
  • Stanislaw Podgorski
  • Steven Schulte
  • Stuart Fowell
  • Sven Richter
  • Sven Weikert
  • Takanori Narita
  • Thibault Lapanne-Joinville
  • Thomas Drexler
  • Tillo Vanthuyne
  • Torbjörn Hult
  • Ugur Cakşr
  • Valentino Fabbri
  • Vangelis Kollias
  • Vicent Brocal
  • Victor Bos
  • Volker Debus
  • Çağatay Yavuzyılmaz
    • Registration Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands

      Register to the event, receive abstracts

      Convener: Ms Bertilla Sinka (ESA/Data Systems Division)
    • Welcome to ADCSS 2013 Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
      • 1
        Welcome Speech
        Welcome Speech by Head of System, Software & Technology Department
        Speaker: Mr Alberto Tobias (ESA)
      • 2
        Logic & Logistics of ADCSS 2013
        Speakers: Ms Bertilla Sinka (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Philippe Armbruster (ESA/Data Systems Division)
    • SAVOIR Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
      Conveners: Mr Alain Benoit (ESA/Control Systems Division), Mr Kjeld Hjortnaes (ESA/Software Systems Division)
      • 3
        Introduction to SAVOIR Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Speaker: Mr Kjeld Hjortnaes (ESA/Software Systems Division)
      • 4
        Status OBC and RTU generic specifications -reviews Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        One of the first aim of the SAVOIR initiative is the definition of an avionics reference architecture meeting the needs of the various mission domains. Generic Specifications for the two following building blocks have been produced: On-Board Computer ( OBC) and Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The two specifications have passed a review process. The presentation will recall the reference architecture and will present the OBC and RTU generic specifications.
        Speaker: Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break Newton (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
      • 5
        Report from WG's (results oriented) Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        • a) Savoir-SAFI
          Savoir SAFI working group studies the possibility of standardising functional interfaces for AOCS H/W. One of the main outputs of Savoir SAFI phase 1 has been a functional interface standardisation proposal for Star-Trackers.This standardisation proposal was elaborated between ESA and CNES agencies together with main European Spacecraft manufacturers (Astrium,ThalesAleniaSpace, OHB). Following SAFI phase 1 a support activity has been approved with the aim consolidate this standardisation proposal. Bringing European Star Trackers suppliers and Spacecraft manufacturers to agree on a standard for Star Tracker functional interface (only STR vs. OBSW communication).This functional interface standard will eventually be part of the Star Tracker ECSS standard as a NON-mandatory annex. The presentation will illustrate the current status of SAFI support activity.
          Speaker: Mr Fabio van Hattem (ESA/Control Systems Division)
        • b) SAVOIR-FAIRE
          The SAVOIR-FAIRE working group is the sub group in charge of the on-board software reference architecture. It has produced a document describing architectural principles. The following work is supported by several industrial activities: - the COrDeT line of activities consolidate the architectural principles and propose a component model to express the application part of the architecture. They look also at some aspects of the execution platform. - OSRAC (1+2) have investigated the application functional chains and verified that they can be implemented with the proposed architecture, the component model and the execution platform services. The presentation will give an overview of the current activities status and achievements.
          Speaker: Mr Jean-Loup TERRAILLON (ESA/Software Systems Division)
        • c) Savoir-IMA status and progress
          SAVOIR IMA working group was launched in mid-2012 with the responsibility to investigate issues (hardware and software) related to the Integrated Modular Avionics introduction in the reference architectures. This include the hardware architecture (how to configure the existing architecture, to use the existing hardware, is there any missing hardware?) and the software architecture (is the on-board software reference architecture compatible with IMA, what is the impact of Time and Space Partitioning on the execution platform?). The presentation will report the result of on-going as well as concluded activities.
          Speaker: Ms Maria Hernek (ESA/Software Systems Division)
        • d) SOIS Status
          The CCSDS SOIS working was tasked with preparing a set of layered communication services which may be applied to the flight avionics. This work is now ostensibly complete and the standards are finding their way into practical application. This presentation provides a summary of the standards produced and the follow-on work being performed by the SOIS group.
          Speaker: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA)
      • 6
        Recommendations for use of communication links within SAVOIR Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The SAVOIR architecture includes a number of preferred data buses, point-to-point lines and discrete signals. These links are used to interconnect spacecraft platform equipment, such as OBC and RTU, with platform sensors and actuators and also used to connect the spacecraft payload to the spacecraft platform. However, the usage of each link is not defined in detail and some links are better suited to fulfil specific user needs than other links. The presentation will give recommendations for which links to use for different users and the rationales for the recommendations.
        Speaker: Mr Torbjorn Hult (RUAG Space)
      • 7
        Reference Architecture for High Dependability On-Board Computers Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        On-board computers (OBC) for space applications pose a major challenge for the industry due to their small production and limited in-service historical data (both for hardware and software). Thus, dependability statistical data, that can influence the specification, design and validation of OBCs, is quite limited. This study, initiated in the frame of ESA harmonization policy, represents the initiation phase of the development/procurement of on-board computers and means to improve dependability assurance. The study established generic requirements for the procurement or development of on-board computers, based on the SAVOIR specification, with a focus on well-defined reliability, availability, and maintainability requirements, as well as a generic methodology for planning, predicting and assessing the dependability of on-board computers hardware and software throughout their life cycle. Guidelines for creating evidences and arguments to support dependability assurance of on-board computers hardware and software throughout the complete lifecycle have been defined, including an assessment of feasibility aspects of the dependability assurance process and how the use of computer-aided environment can contribute to the on-board computer dependability assurance. The study is currently in the phase of applying the defined methodology and guidelines to a real case study. This presentation includes an overview of the on-board computers generic requirements, presents the defined dependability plan and approach, describes the dependability measures and methodology, introduces the dependability assurance guidelines for the production of evidences, and discusses the current application of the methodology and the collection of the evidences to a real case-study, leaving space for discussion and future improvement work.
        Speaker: Mr Nuno Silva (Critical Software)
      • 8
        Introduction of Exhibition Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Speaker: Mr Philippe Armbruster (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 13:00
        Lunch ESTEC Canteen (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))

        ESTEC Canteen

        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
      • 9
        SOIS Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Devices – Current Status Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The presentation will summarise the requirements for SOIS Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Devices, their planned usage in SAVOIR and NASA-cFE avionics architectures, the current status of prototyping by ESA, SCISYS and NASA, some of the technical and process issues to be addressed that have been thrown up, and finally the planned roadmap to the standardisation of their format by the CCSDS.
        Speaker: Mr Stuart Fowell (SCISYS)
      • 10
        PUS Status Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Over the last 10 years, the PUS standard has been widely used in Europe by many ECSS Agencies and Industrial partners. A new version of that standard is currently being produced by ECSS, that takes into account: - the lessons learned from using the PUS, including the need for standardizing proven additional services implemented in current missions and required for future missions; -the availability of new standards, mainly ECSS and CCSDS, for which compliance is required. This presentation reports on the current status of this new version and the remaining work to be done prior to its publication in 2014.
        Speaker: Mr Serge Valera (ESA/Software Systems Division)
      • 11
        SAVOIR Roadmap Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Speaker: Mr Kjeld Hjortnaes (ESA/Software Systems Division)
      • 15:30
        Coffee Break Newton (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
    • CAN Bus in Space - Session 1 Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands

      Introduction session on CAN bus with keynote speech.

      Conveners: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Gianluca Furano (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 12
        Introduction to CAN Bus in Space
        Speaker: Mr Gianluca Furano (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 13
        CAN/CANopen applications: Past, present, and future
        The CAN physical layer is very robust and the data link layer protocol guarantees a reliable data exchange. This is why CAN has been successful in many different application fields. The keynote speech provides an overview about the use of CAN in the past and today. It also gives an outlook into the future: CAN FD and partial networking are the keywords.
        Speaker: Mr Holger Zeltwanger (CAN in Automation)
      • 14
        The ECSS standard - CAN Bus extension for Space
        The ECSS-E-50-15C standard “CAN bus extension protocol” extends the standard CAN bus specification to cover the aspects required to satisfy the particular needs of spacecraft data handling systems. This presentation will provide an overview of the requirements of the draft standard together with practical examples of its application on projects currently in development at Astrium Satellites such as the next generation E3000 for telecoms, Sentinel 1 for Earth observation and the Exomars rover for science and space exploration.
        Speaker: Mr Christian Boleat (Astrium SAS)
      • 15
        Where and when can we use CAN?
        Standardization of on board command and control buses has achieved a good degree of maturity with the widespread adoption of MIL-STD-1553B and the increasing success of Spacewire. In this crowded space there is still room for other players in the sub-1Mbps range if we take into consideration some specific CAN bus characteristics that act as 'enablers' for some more modern architectures, where functions and intelligence decentralization has a driving role.
        Speaker: Mr Gianluca Furano (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 16
        ECSS Standard public review procedure
        Speaker: Mr Stephen Bury (ESA/ESTEC)
      • 17
        Speakers: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Gianluca Furano (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
    • 18:00
      Cocktail Foyer


      Social Event in ESTEC

    • CAN bus in Space - Session 2: CAN In Space - Applications Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands

      Continuation of Session 1 with industry's position papers, presenattion of CAN tools and wrap up discussions.

      Conveners: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Gianluca Furano (ESA - ESTEC - TEC-EDD), Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 18
        Wrap up of Session 1 Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Speaker: Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 19
        Supporting developments - HW/SW stacks for ECSS CAN Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The modularity of the ECSS CAN standard based on CANOpen opens a wide range of possibilities in terms of HW/SW partitioning schemes in its implementation. The standard can be fully implemented in HW (i.e. CCIPC and RCCIPC), fully implemented in SW using existing CANOpen stacks or anything in between. This presentation and the associated demo will analyze different scenarios, with different requirements and will try to provide some help and guidance in the design of an ECSS CAN node.
        Speaker: Mr Alberto Valverde Carretero (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 20
        Supporting developments - IP Cores Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        ESA/ESTEC maintains and distributes under ESA licenses a small catalogue of IP Cores which comprise typical digital functions used in space applications.The ESA IP cores can be licensed for space research and/or commercial use,under specific conditions (depending on the IP ownership) to companies basedin ESA member and participant states.This talk will focus mostly on two of the IP-Cores present in the catalogue: HurriCANe, implementing the CAN protocol, and CCIPC, implementing a subset of the CANOpen protocol.
        Speaker: Mr Luca Fossati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 21
        Supporting developments testbeds - VECTOR Tools Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The idea of the CAN bus is getting 30 years old in 2013. Within this time the CAN bus has not only established itself as the standard communication protocol in automotive networks but is also in use in aerospace or industrial applications. Although there are also other bus systems used in these areas, the CAN bus will still keep its strong market position for quite a while. With the CAN-FD technology the capabilities of the CAN bus are expanded and make it even more interesting, also for other industries than automotive. Being involved in the development of the CAN bus from the very beginning Vector was also the first company with a CAN tool on the market called CANalyzer. Since over 25 years Vector continuously expanded its tool suites and adapted it to the needs of the market to become one of the leading tool suppliers for the automotive industry. Today’s tools for (bus) analysis, simulation and automated testing are not only limited to CAN but are also capable of other busses and protocols like e.g. Flexray, MOST, IP/Ethernet, AFDX, CANaerospace, ARINC8xx, ARINC429 or CANopen.
        Speaker: Mr Frédéric Vidy (Vector)
      • 22
        Supporting Developments - CAN Bus - Integrating Soft IP Cores into Rad Hard Products Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The Controller Area Network (CAN) was initially created for automotive applications as a method for enabling robust serial communication. The CAN bus was identified by the European Space Agency (ESA) as a possible replacement for the On-Board Data Handling (OBDH) bus in the late '90s, with the SMART-1 satellite as the first successful example of its usage in an ESA mission. Although the OBDH bus was not immediately abandoned it has been slowly phased out, but not directly to the benefit of the CAN bus, while more to the MIL-STD-1553B bus. Despite the fact that several flight ready components implement the CAN bus protocol, it has taken some time for the CAN bus to get real traction in Europe and the rest of the world. We are currently on the brink of a breakthrough for usage of CAN technology in space and Aeroflex Gaisler has been preparing itself for this moment in time by developing a large set of CAN products ranging from soft IP cores to rad-hard flight components, and from powerful software drivers to handy hardware debuggers and emulation systems such as RASTA. The CAN IP cores have been used in notable ASIC developments (GR712RC, UT699/UT700, AT9713E, COLE) as well as in custom FPGA developments targeting missions such as ExoMars, Sentinel, ISS etc. With the advent of the new flexible data rate concept these IP cores are to be improved to fully support CAN-FD and to provide additional services such as hardware assisted message filtering, in addition to the existing programmable DMA functionality and support for highly accurate time distribution, all to off-load the processor in highly integrated system-on-chip designs where network management is implemented. The ESA on-board reference network is a marriage between the high-speed backbone SpaceWire network and the low-speed spacecraft control bus based on the CAN bus. This has been the continuous target for our developments, always implementing both interfaces in the aforementioned ASICs, all based on our existing IP cores. The new features of the soft IP cores will of course also be included in all future rad-hard ASIC developments.
        Speaker: Mr Jan Andersson (Aeroflex Gaisler)
      • 23
        Supporting developments testbeds - Protocol Validation System Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Presentation of the Protocol Validation System (PVS) by TELETEL, which is a new generation EGSE SCOE, already supporting SpaceWire and MIL-STD-1553, being now extended to support CAN. PVS can be used for rapid prototyping & evaluation of new network protocols/features, for interface simulation, functional testing and stress testing. Moreover it can be used for device simulation (SSMM, RTU, etc.) as well as for protocol analysis & recording. Based on an open architecture and modular design, PVS is a future-safe, cost-effective and already validated solution for demanding ESA activities towards the future evolution of S/C on-board data handling/networks. The presentation is focusing on the specific PVS extensions to support EGSE SCOEs for the use of CAN bus in space
        Speaker: Mr Vangelis Kollias (TELETEL SA)
      • 10:35
        Coffee Break/Product Demos Einstein (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
      • 24
        CAN in Space applications - Telecom Satellite - Payload Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        A successful CAN bus for telecom payload needs to fulfill precisely the extreme satcom requirements: high reliability of electronic components, high availability of the system solution achieved by minor modifications of the system architecture. Considering all those constraints, physical layer, redundancy management and protocol have been tailored to define a robust, efficient and cheap CAN payload data bus. This paper presents the on-going activities lead by Astrium and Tesat to implement the CAN bus as payload data bus on Eurostar E3000 platform.
        Speaker: Mr Jean Dalenq (Astrium)
      • 25
        CAN in Space applications - The EXOMARS CAN bus solutions Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        This paper presents the on-going activities and solutions related to the development, research and standardization processes of the CAN Bus solutions carried out in the EXOMARS projects and studies where Thales Alenia Space Italy (TAS-I) is leading the industrial activities in collaboration with the European Space Agency. The CAN communication bus has been successfully used for many years in automotive industry and its usage in space is being assessed and one implementation is already the baseline in the EXOMARS (Entry Descent & Landing and Rover Modules) avionics architecture. The improvements and application to other Space systems such as Telecom Satellites have been studied and are under definition in the frame of ESA study and in Thales Alenia Space R&D activities. Further, CAN bus for Space Applications is in the process of being standardized in a specific ECSS standard.
        Speaker: Mr Maurizio Caramia (Thales Alenia Space)
      • 26
        CAN In Space Applications - Thales Telecom Platform Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The objective of this activity is the development of a ‘CAN solution’ to be used in platform and payload avionics of telecom satellites. The proposed CAN solution has to cover all the aspects related to the introduction of the CAN bus in telecom satellites, from the physical and protocol layer definition up to the test and validation procedure definition. A breadboard system fully representative of the electrical architecture proposed for CAN, with both RS-485 and ISO transceivers, representative redundancy, data traffic, noise and faults injection capability will be developed allowing pre-qualification of the CAN solution proposed. At the end of this study, the achieved results will represent the technical proof that a CAN SAT COM solution is feasible and it will be able to lead to money and time savings, bringing benefits in all engineering steps of the DH system development from design, integration up to verification. This study will also provide a set of lessons learnt and recommendation that can be used to update the ECSS-E-ST-50-15 standard.
        Speaker: Mr Jacques Busseuil (Thales Alenia Space)
      • 27
        CAN in Space applications - Use of CAN Bus in the VEGA Launcher Autonomous Telemetry Systems. Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The suite of CAN bus and protocols has been developed to create a reliable, safety critical, deterministic time communication over automotive electronic box use for the complete management of stock cars. It has been demonstrated over time and by widespread diffusion on automotive market the effectiveness and efficiency of CAN protocol and electrical bus on safety critical systems (ABS management, AIRBAG management, engine control, etc.). Basing on this set of protocols TEMIS, thanks to the know-how acquired over 10 years of experience in the automotive CAN application and in Fomula1 cars, has selected a particular protocol over CAN (CAN Calibration Protocol or CCP) to develop an high configurable, modular acquisition and telemetry subsystem for avionic application. The CAN bus has been used for intra-board communication in the processing unit and for critical communication between ground segment and processing unit itself. Two configurations of such telemetry system have flown in the first and second VEGA flight (VV01, VV02) carrying video data, high bandwidth sensor acquisition, IMU acquisition, GPS acquisition preventing radio. The two systems, docked on the upper stage of VEGA launcher, communicated until lift-off via umbilical CAN connection of about 80 meters to the relevant EGSE (positioned in bunker under launch pad). The main functionalities achieved via CAN bus on the system goes from data handling timeline management to ultra fine timestamp of acquisition and events, including update and monitoring of system parameters even when integrated in launch pad. The test and validation of this CAN bus application has been performed using third party commercial COTS to gain low cost of development and fast time of production of EGSE/Test Equipment. Custom software has been developed to support the operations and test over the entire system. The flight data after the two missions reports that all internal communication of on-board system has been correctly performed over entire mission.
        Speaker: Mr Francesco Ortix (Temis)
      • 28
        CAN in Space applications - Small Satellite Platforms Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        SSTL have been using CAN bus as their primary method of transferring commands and telemetry around their spacecraft of over a decade. The use of CAN bus is at the heart of their nominal and non-nominal concept of operations. The architecture allows complete access to spacecraft systems by the ground segment independent of the spacecraft onboard computer to allow versatile strategies for anomaly recovery and diagnosis. SSTL are extending their leverage of automobile technology to incorporate "fit for purpose" technologies such as LIN bus and the emerging CAN-FD bus as well as exploiting associated items such as consumer level high reliability parts. This paper will describe how the use of these technologies enables the radical cost and mass savings, as well as hugely increased performance, which are to be introduced into SSTL's new X-series spacecraft range.
        Speaker: Mr David Stanton (SSTL)
      • 29
        Roundtable Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Wrap up round table.
        Speakers: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Gianluca Furano (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 13:00
        Lunch Break ESTEC Canteen

        ESTEC Canteen

    • Avionics Based on Ethernet Networks Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
      Conveners: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Jean-Francois Dufour (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 30
        Introduction to Deterministic Networks
        This lecture starts by presenting some reasons for deterministic networks in high-dependability application, where the mean-time-to-fail (MTTF) of a critical system service must be higher than the MTTF of any of the constituent components. The required notion of determinism is examined and it is shown that predictable timeliness and consistent order are the important characteristics of a deterministic transport service. It is shown that the realization of consistent order requires a sparse time-base and agreement protocols for non-sparse events. The quality of the required fault-tolerant clock synchronization, the precision, determines the parameters of the sparse time base and in consequence the limits of the resolution of quasi-simultaneous events. The inherent conflict between fidelity of a digital model of the physical environment and consistency within the digital model can be reduced by an improved precision of the global time, but can never be fully resolved.
        Speaker: Prof. Hermann Kopetz (Technical University of Vienna)
      • 31
        TTEthernet presentation
        The presentation will target the utilization of additional synchronous, time-triggered Ethernet quality-of service (QoS) enhancements in IEEE802 Ethernet and ARINC664 networks to support both bandwidth time-partitioning and system-wide (or system-level) time-partitioning. Ethernet-based system architectures with time-driven communication capabilities enable tight control of jitter and strict determinism with far reaching consequences on embedded system virtualization, architecture design and optimization in spacecraft avionics. Extended embedded virtualization capabilities with time-partitioning of distributed embedded resources support design of new optimized generic integrated architectures, which are less complex to integrate, maintain, expand, reconfigure, certify, and modernize. Such generic architectures leading to cross industry platforms and therefore, not only through the availability of development-, flight-components and COTS testing equipment, a significant reduction of lifecycle costs can be achieved.
        Speaker: Mr Christian Fidi (TTTech Computertechnik AG)
      • 32
        MPCV CM Presentation- Webex
        Speaker: Mr George W. Eger (Locheed Martin)
      • 15:40
        Coffee Break
      • 33
        Deterministic High Speed Communication in Space
        The user requirements on data throughput and –speed of avionic busses are calling for new media. Simplification and reuse of architectures and components to realize cost reduction are requested. In the past, different bus types were used to fulfill the technical requirements: on one hand determinism and exactly time correlated data , on the other hand high performance data management for sensors or payloads. For the deterministic part often the MIL1553 STD is used, limited to a bandwidth of 1Mbit. Ethernet or Space Wire are used for high speed communication. A promising candidate, providing one technology combining both determinism and high speed- for space applications, is the TTEthernet standard used and verified by commercial and aviation industries. This standard is baseline for the NASA’s MPCV/ORION. A spin in of this technology standard, its maturation, the current experience in the frame of space projects (MPCV-ESM) and an industrialization roadmap will be described in the presentation.
        Speaker: Mr Jens Hartmann (Astrium EADS)
      • 34
        Ethernet communication is at the base of the trade-offs of the future launcher programmes. These different programmes (ESA-FLPP, CNES-AvioniqueX, Ariane6) will be presented, together with the requirements specific to the data bus and telemetry. Trade-offs will be exposed and discussed (e.g. mil1553 vs AFDX vs TTEthernet
        Speaker: Mr Guillaume Javellaud (ESA/HQ)
      • 35
        Implementation aspects of TTEthernet interfaces
        This presentation will give an overview of RUAG Space AB undertaking in three different studies within FLPP and AvionicX and give our experience in using TTEthernet as a launcher communication network and how well it fit in such an architecture. Three different architectures and different implementations of TTEthernet have been studied, from a software implementation in the first study to more representative hardware and IP cores used in a custom FPGA design. Moreover the experiences in interfacing the IP core, use of ICDs and generating configuration files using TTTech tools will be reflected.
        Speaker: Mr Anders Petersen (RUAG Space AB)
      • 36
        Speakers: Mr Chris Taylor (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Giorgio Magistrati (ESA/Data Systems Division)
    • Processing needs for advanced GNC Systems Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands

      Advanced avionics

      Convener: Mr Guillermo Ortega (ESA/Control Systems Division)
      • 37
        Introduction Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Speaker: Mr Guillermo Ortega (ESA/Control Systems Division)
      • 38
        User cases: Active Debris Removal Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Studies at NASA and ESA indicate that the only means of sustaining the environment at a safe level for space operations will be by active removal of currently existing mass in orbit. Targets selected for active removal should have a high mass (as these targets have the largest environmental impact in case of collision), a high collision probability (i.e. they should be in densely populated regions), and should be in high altitudes (where the orbital lifetime of the resulting fragments is long). A Phase-A study to bring down a large EAS-owned piece of space debris will be held in 2014. Clean Space – Space Debris Remediation The Clean Space initiative was presented as part of the “Advancing ESA Technology Programmes” in view of the Ministerial Conference in 2012. Its aim is to devote increasing attention to the environmental impact of ESA’s activities, including its own operations as well as operations performed by European industry in the frame of ESA programmes. Clean Space Branch 4 specifically aims to develop key technologies for Space Debris Remediation and Active Debris Removal (ADR). Mission Outline The specific requirements of an ADR mission call for the development and validation of several technologies in the different mission phases: • Rendezvous with uncooperative target: sensor suite, telecommunications, operations concept • Attitude matching: forced motion GNC for acquiring a stable relative position with respect to the target, and perform the final approach • Capture: capture mechanism, capture operations • De-orbit manoeuvres: control of the composite (after capture) during orbital manoeuvres and controlled re-entry. This presentation will be focused on the high-performance computing needs for the close approach and the mating and capture mission arcs. These parts of the mission need complete avionics solution able to cope with very demanding autonomous closed loop controlled systems: the problem of pose estimation when the debris is tumbling is one of the most demanding ones in terms of avionics (computing power, and real-time software processing). In this context, features of the target should be acquired and analysed such as size, relative position, behaviour (movement and speed) and shape
        Speaker: Ms Luisa Innocenti (ESA-LAU-SF)
      • 39
        User cases: Landing on the Moon, Mars, and asteroid Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Landing on Mars, Moon and Asteroids: needed computational power and possible platform architecture. Landing on planets is a task which complexity depends on required accuracy. In the current Exomars project the accuracy is in the order of tens of Km: GNC algorithms, as developed by TAS-I for this type of missions, do not require significant computational power. They can be executed by a LEON processor (in the order of 80 MIPS @ 80Hz). If the accuracy in reaching the landing site increases to few hundreds of meters, the GNC requires additional sensors (camera, lidar) and/or dedicated navigation algorithms (i.e. Guided Entry).These elements increase the computational needs and currently available space qualified computing platforms becomes no more adequate. It is estimated that both atmospheric (Mars) and non-atmospheric (Moon, Asteroid) landing requires much more than 1000MIPs of computational power for Absolute Navigation, Relative navigation and Hazard detection. Among these, the Relative Navigation algorithms look the more demanding and drive the requested platform performances because they have to be executed at the control loop frequency (starting at 2 Hz and up to 10 Hz). In the Absolute Navigation, image processing can be used at lower frequency or even from time to time at specific points in the trajectory. The same applies to Hazard detection and Avoidance that is carried out at a well-defined altitude of the landing trajectory for the final correction. All these aspects have been considered and evaluated in two ESA studies (SAGE and VISNAV-EM-1) lead by TAS-I and also in the STEPS project (internal R&D co-founded by Regione Piemonte) on image processing with the objective of defining and testing a computing platform architecture which can be implemented using space qualified components .Such architecture uses a processor coprocessor configuration in which the coprocessor can be an additional more powerful processor or a FPGA or both FPGA+ Processor. These architectures will be presented pointing out the main features and the achievable performances.
        Speaker: Mr Antonio Tramtola (TAS-I)
      • 40
        Implementation options: navigation sensing suite Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The imperilment in space by debris or incapacitated spacecraft, in particular in nearly polar low earth orbits, has materialized latest after the collision between an Iridium and a superannuated Kosmos satellite in February 2009. Today all space agencies are working more or less intensive on concepts for space waste disposal. A key technology for this is a navigation system, which allows the approach to an uncooperative passive target in low earth orbits down to a distance, where capturing is possible. The final distance depends on the capture system and varies between 1m for a manipulator arm and several 10m for tether based systems like the net. Today’s RVD systems require a cooperative target, i.e. there is a need for target pattern and/or a intersatellite RF link for data exchange (e.g. RGPS). For old or incapacitated spacecraft this is not available, so that the navigation must rely on active sensors (radar, laser scanner, flash light) or exploit environmental illumination or temperature (video camera and IR sensors). In close vicinity to the target, it is not sufficient to measure distance and line of sight, but the target attitude needs to be known as well. This requires onboard real time image processing, whereby the images may be generated by a video or IR camera, a laser scanner or an imaging radar. The envisaged presentation shows the results achieved within Inveritas and RTES, Astrium internal projects subsidised by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology through the German Aerospace Center, DLR, Space Management,. It describes a navigation system layout for a rendezvous with an uncapacitated but known space vehicle (satellite or upper stage), i.e. the knowledge of the S/C geometry can be exploited for the onboard image processing. Three elements are of particular importance for the rendezvous navigation • the navigation sensor (video camera, PMD camera, infrared camera, scanning Lidar, flash Lidar, radar) • the processing of the raw data (image, point cloud) • the processing/W requirements First a short mission overview will be given and the top level requirements as a function of the typical mission phases will be derived. Then sensor candidates and their characteristics will be reviewed for potential application as a rendezvous sensor and needs for data processing are assessed. For the selected concept preliminary performance results are shown and processing needs are identified and compared to existing processing hardware or hardware under development. Finally the laboratory environment for navigation design and analysis including the use of a test facility for sensor testing may be described.
        Speaker: Mr Josef Sommer (Astrium Bremen)
      • 41
        Implementation options: CPU's, busses, networks Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Future GNC systems feature increasingly complex functionality, requiring fast and efficient processing units and equally efficient interconnection to feed them with high rate sensor data. For what concerns the former point, ESA is working on complementary architectures spanning from a multi-core general purpose microprocessor (NGMP) to more specialised devices. This is complemented by the development of very high speed interfaces and links able to cope with multi-Gbps level data transfers. The Next Generation MicroProcessor (NGMP) is a quad-core system-on-chip including four LEON4 SPARC32 cores with dedicated L1 caches and a shared L2 cache. It includes a DDR-type main memory interface and various high-performance I/O interfaces. Currently the architectural design is complete and has been manufactured in a commercial prototyping ASIC technology. Implementation of the NGMP as a space component is planned to start in 2014 and this in a suitable advanced Deep-Sub-Micron technology. As far as specialised devices are concerned, the Control Loop Processor features two parallel processing chains enabling fully deterministic control of electromechanical systems, and this at high control loop frequencies. One distinctive feature is the usage of IEEE-754 compliant floating point arithmetic, a common representation to simulators and end flight code. Additionally, the device will be completed with a software development environment capable to generate executable code from a mathematical model. In the same category, it is worth mentioning ESA's push and efforts focusing on the development of a European source for next generation Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and high gate number FPGAs. Finally the evolution of SpaceWire for higher data throughput communication channels (SpaceFibre) will be presented.
        Speakers: Mr Luca Fossati (ESA/Data Systems Division), Mr Roland Trautner (ESA/Data Systems Division)
      • 10:00
        Coffee Break Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)



      • 42
        Implementation options: software Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The presentation is based on the experience of MultiPARTES, a research project aimed at developing tools and solutions for building trusted embedded systems with mixed criticality components on multicore platforms. The approach is based on developing an innovative open-source multicore-platform virtualization layer based on the XtratuM hypervisor. A software development methodology and its associated tools are developed in order to enable trusted real-time embedded systems to be developed as partitioned applications in a timely and cost-effective way. MultiPARTES is a collaborative research project supported by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The presentation introduces the project and in particular the industrial use cases, showing what can be achieved out of the space domain. Technical results are given about the capability to handle heterogeneous multicore platforms, about the partitioning layer and about performance. The presentation concludes on the applicability of such a software implementation option to space GNC applications.
        Speaker: Mr Salvador Trujillo (IKERLAN)
      • 43
        Implementation options: testing, verification and validation Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Speaker: Mr Valentin Barrena (GMV)
      • 44
        Wrap up and Open discussion: do we have the technology available? Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Speaker: Mr Alexander Cropp (ESA/Control Systems Division)
      • 12:00
        Lunch Newton


    • SW Factory Newton


      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands

      SW Factory as a container for automated processing and generation of SW

      Convener: Mr Jean-Loup Terraillon (ESA/Software Systems Division)
      • 45
        Introduction: software factory concepts Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        This short introduction to the software factories session sets up the context that has led to addressing this topic. Many project issues, often system or schedule ones, materialize in the software. To cope with them, an efficient measure is to reduce architecture complexity. This leads to the definition of software reference architecture, expressed with components, engineered with models and substantially parameterized. These mechanisms allow systematic configuration of the software within product lines, and open the door to an extensive automation of the software production, supported by software factories. A paradigm shift is emerging, from building generic software, to building generic software factories, from reusing code to reusing solutions.
        Speaker: Mr Andreas Jung (ESA/Software Systems Division)
      • 46
        Software product lines principles and examples Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        This presentation results from an academic approach to product lines performed by a research institute from experience in non-space domains.
        Speaker: Mr Gotz Botterwerk (LERO)
      • 47
        Software factories from non-space experience Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Automation of software engineering is done, in other domains than space, beyond automatic code generation. This presentation highlights experiences such as generation of the system configuration from product lines, early architecture definition and validation, links with system engineering. Use cases from the train, the aeronautic and the military domains are presented with an innovative way of relying on Domain Specific Language to leverage the know-how of stakeholders. Supporting tools are also addressed, showing the variety of tools involved, the complexity to keep them operational, and to maintain them in an efficient and long term way. The example of the Polarsys open source software factory illustrates a possible solution
        Speaker: Mr Etienne Juliot (Obeo)
      • 48
        ESTEC lab experience: COrDeT & TASTE Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The Savoir-Faire concepts have been prototyped into a chain of tools. The COrDeT reference architecture component model is described with a Domain Specific Language that has been used to produce an editor. The model is enriched into a detailed design through model transformation rules. The TASTE tool integrates and generates the code, the monitoring and control screens, the links with the Spacecraft Database, potential links to SMP2 simulators. This includes configuration techniques such as the Electronic Data Sheet.
        Speaker: Mr Maxime Perrotin (ESA/Software Systems Division)
      • 49
        Ground software: CSDE: setting up a pipeline for continuous delivery Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Software development involves people, methodologies and tools. Not only it is important to have the right tool for the right project but also to share efficiently the information inside the team, which therefore needs to be well organized. Sharing best practices between teams improve efficiency in the delivery. The CSDE (Collaborative Software Development Environment) platform is based on a pipeline of continuous delivery, helping project team members to organize their work, from requirements gathering to software building, by making use of bug tracking, version control and continuous integration practices. The talk presents the potential of the current CSDE status and the future vision, addressing the software life cycle model, pipeline for continuous delivery, feedback within the team, continuous integration and knowledge sharing between teams.
        Speaker: Mr Emidio Stani (UNISYS)
      • 50
        Ground software: Application of software factories in ASE-5 Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        Coding and testing represents a substantial part of a software project. Although manual coding allows greater flexibility and control in what is being developed, it implies manual testing and regression testing, which costs time. Therefore, code automation is becoming a necessity during development. Thanks to the use of libraries and tools implementing the concept of software factories, part of the code can be automatically generated from either configuration files or diagrams, removing the need to verify the correctness and testing of the generated code. This presentation describes the automatic code generation done in the scope of the ASE5 project. The system uses several ‘software factories’ in different aspects of the application, in particular: • The complete creation of the database scripts through the collaboration of the modeling methodology named ORM (i.e. Object Relational Modeling) and a tool named NORMA. • The almost complete generation of the persistence model classes through the use of the Hibernate library. • The complete creation of the base SSM Editor (i.e. Space System Model) application by using the EMF methodology. Only investing time in creating a XSD data model representation of the SSM, a simple graphical and tab editor with validation functions is generated. • The complete compiler developments for both ECSS-E-ST-70-32 (i.e. PLUTO) procedure language and its meta-language. The compilers are generated from their respective grammar definitions in EBNF using the software factory ANTLR. Through this automation system, the system can modify in a matter of minutes any of the involved information or target system (e.g. database contents, database engine, programming language) without having to perform any further work or testing. As a result, software factories have decreased the expected development time and allowed us to focus only in the logic of the application and not in the low-level coding.
        Speaker: Salor Moral Nieves (Vitrociset)
      • 15:00
        Coffee Break Einstein (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
      • 51
        Flight Software: Astrium Standpoint Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        This presentation shows the vision and needs of system integrators about software engineering automation.
        Speaker: Mr Alain Rossignol (Astrium)
      • 52
        Flight Software:Thales Standpoint Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        This presentation shows the vision and needs of system integrators about software engineering automation.
        Speaker: Mr Gerald Garcia (Thales)
      • 53
        Flight Software: OHB standpoint Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        This presentation shows the vision and needs of system integrators about software engineering automation.
        Speaker: Michael Brahm (OHB)
      • 54
        Roundtable: which software factory for Space? Newton


        European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

        Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
        The round table invite audience to build on the presentations in order to reply to some questions related to the strategy that Agencies and Industry should define in terms of software engineering automation, model based engineering life cycle and process, industrial and business needs, and tool support.
        Speaker: Mr Jean-Loup TERRAILLON (ESA/Software Systems Division)