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6–9 Nov 2018
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


On-orbit servicing and proximity #1

On-orbit servicing and proximity #1
8 Nov 2018, 09:00
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

Münchener Straße 20 82234 Weßling


On-orbit servicing and proximity #1

  • Jean François GOESTER
  • Sarah Lammens (S&T)
  • Christina Jetzschmann (Airbus DS Bremen)


Astrodynamics for re-fuelling, payload exchange, and tugging; rendezvous approach (far and close); computation of optimal phasing conditions; docking and mating; contact dynamics; berthing; docking in R-bar and V-bar; optimal ground contacts during rendezvous;

Presentation materials

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Building timetable...