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23–24 Oct 2019
European Space Operations Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Medium Energy Particle Spectrometer (MEPS) for ESA Lagrange Mission

23 Oct 2019, 16:30
H-I (European Space Operations Center)


European Space Operations Center

Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany


Dr Ali Ravanbakhsh (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)Dr Shri Kulkarni (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)Mr Elftmann Robert (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)


The Lagrange mission concept is overseen by the Space Situational Awareness Programme at ESA to ensure an effective capability to monitor potentially dangerous solar events. This mission concept proposes positioning two spacecraft in orbit at the L1 and L5 Lagrangian points, respectively, where gravitational forces interact to create a stable location for observations. The Medium Energy Particle Spectrometer (MEPS) instrument is one of the in-situ payloads for the Lagrange spacecraft. MEPS measures the energy spectra and angular distributions of energetic electrons (30-600 keV) and ions (30-6000 keV/nuc). MEPS consists of one unit hosting a pair of double-ended telescope with four view cones each, two dedicated for electrons and two for ions. The MEPS measurement concept is based on the magnet/foil-technique and the dE/dx vs. E technique to cleanly separate and measure electrons, protons and ions. The MEPS conceptual design is presented.

Primary author

Dr Ali Ravanbakhsh (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)


Dr Stephan Böttcher (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Dr Shri Kulkarni (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Prof. Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Mr Elftmann Robert (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Mr Terasa Christoph (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Mr Mahesh Yedla (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Mr Lars Seimetz (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Mr Kolbe Stefan (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Mrs Violetta Knierim (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Mr Björn Schuster (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Dr Michael Lee Richards (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)

Presentation materials

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