Oct 23 – 24, 2019
European Space Operations Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

A preliminary agenda is now available under the Timetable tab by selecting the Instrument presentation slot and viewing the session details.


The Space Weather Office of ESA’s Space Safety Programme is organizing this workshop on Instruments for its Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S).
D3S has the purpose of monitoring the Earth interaction with the Sun and the actual status in the proximity of the Earth. Targeted measurements include:

  •   in-situ observations:  the particle and plasma environment, magnetic field, microparticles
  •   remote sensing: the Earth's aurora, atmosphere, and the Sun itself.

The objective is to feed space weather services and the corresponding models with a data stream coming from a sufficiently well distributed sensor system. An additional task of D3S is the monitoring of microparticles (sub-mm) in space. For the cost-effective implementation of D3S in the medium-term future, ESA is planning to make use of hosted payload missions as well as dedicated small satellite systems.
We are looking forward to bringing together the European community working on instrumentation for the observation of Space Weather effects in the near-Earth environment as well as on microparticle detectors. This workshop is targeted at instrumentation with TRL 4 and above or achieving TRL 4 within the course of an ongoing activity.

Looking forward to welcoming you at ESOC,
ESA's Space Weather Team

European Space Operations Center
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany