7:30 PM
Variability in the energetic electron bombardment of Ganymede
Lucas Liuzzo
(Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley)
7:32 PM
Ganymede Book
Martin Volwerk
(Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
7:34 PM
Energetic proton depletions near Europa: the effect of plumes, atmospheric charge exchange, Alfvén wings and the wake
Hans Huybrighs
7:36 PM
Survey of the Nançay Decameter Array's extended catalog for the possible control of Jupiter's decametric radio emissions by Europa.
Hadassa Raquel Peixoto Jácome
(INPE, Brazil)
7:38 PM
Simulations of UV Emission from the Io Plasma Torus using the Colorado Io Torus Emission Package 2 (CITEP 2)
Edward Nerney
(LASP, CU Boulder)
7:40 PM
Io’s Loss of Neutral Material: Numerical Simulations
Vincent Dols
(LASP Colorado University USA)
7:42 PM
Spectroscopic observations of Io Neutral Clouds: constraints on Na-bearing dust grains ejected from Io
Cesare Grava
(Southwest Research Institute)
7:44 PM
An Alfvénic source for suprathermal electrons in the Io torus
Drew Coffin
(University of Alaska Fairbanks)