Peter Seiler, PhD.
Dr. Seiler received Bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1996. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2001. His graduate research focused on coordinated control of unmanned aerial vehicles and control over wireless networks. A paper generated from this research was awarded the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award at the 2002 American Control Conference.
From 2004 to 2008, Dr. Seiler worked at the Honeywell Aerospace Labs as a Senior Research Scientist. Throughout this time, Dr. Seiler led a joint project to develop the redundancy management architecture for the Boeing 787 flight control electronics. In addition, Dr. Seiler developed on sensor fusion algorithms for GPS denied navigation and for automotive active safety systems. Dr. Seiler also worked on the re-entry flight control laws for NASA’s Orion vehicle. Since joining the University of Minnesota in 2008, Dr. Seiler has been investigating methods for analysis and validation of nonlinear flight control laws. This research is based on polynomial optimization methods. Matlab software toolboxes have been developed and applied to analyze the falling leaf mode of an F/A-18 model. Dr. Seiler is also investigating model-based fault detection methods that can be applied for safety-critical systems. Dr. Seiler has also been a consultant for MUSYN, Inc since 2001. He has designed, implemented, and tested software for the Robust Control Toolbox in Matlab. His work includes low-order control design methods, fitting of frequency response data, and worst-case robustness analysis.
Andrés Marcos, PhD.
Dr. Marcos received his Aerospace Engineering B.Sc. from St. Louis University (USA) in 1997 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 2000 and 2004 respectively from the University of Minnesota (USA) in the group of prof. Gary Balas. From 2004 to 2006, he was a research associate in the group of prof. Ian Postlethwaite at the University of Leicester (UK) working in a Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe (GARTEUR) project related to nonlinear flight control clearance. From 2006 to August 2013 he was with Deimos-Space S.L.U. (Spain) working as lead control engineer for control and autonomy research and development projects for the European Space Agency and the European Community. During his time at Deimos he was coordinator of the EU-FP7 project entitled “Advanced Fault Diagnosis for Sustainable Flight Guidance and Control (ADDSAFE)” [], and from January 2013 he was coordinator of the EU-FP7 project entitled “Reconfiguration of Control in Flight for Integral Global Upset Recovery (RECONFIGURE)” []. He has been principal investigator on over 18 projects funded by ESA, EU-FP7/H2020 and UKSA related to re-entry vehicles, launchers, satellites, aircraft, and UAVs. Dr. Marcos has over 130 peer-reviewed conference and journal publications, and together with his team has flight tested robust control controllers and fault detection and isolation filters in aircraft (DLR’s ATTAS and JAXA’s MuPAL-alpha) as well as autonomous, experimental Vertical Take-Off and Landing vehicles (DLR’s EAGLE). He joined the Aerospace Engineering department at the University of Bristol in October 2013, where he focuses on the application and transfer of robust control techniques to aeronautical and space systems.