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TAS-F avionics solutions for VBN in space robotics missions : EROSS Scenario

18 Nov 2021, 11:10
Let's Get Digital (Virtual)

Let's Get Digital



Mr Vincent Dubanchet (Thales Alenia Space)


Last advances of Thales Alenia Space on the integration and validation of visual-based navigation will be presented based on the lead of the recent H2020 projects I3DS and EROSS. The avionics architecture of the proposed solution will be presented along with the sharing chosen between the On-Board Computer (OBC) functions related to the platform control, and the Instrument/Robotic Control Unit (I/RCU) related to the specific sensors used for rendezvous and robotic operations. The current progresses on the RCU maturation will be introduced from these R&D projects to a space-grade board, on both the hardware and software sides. Eventually, the EROSS project outcomes will be presented with the porting of two different image processing solutions on this RCU, and with the validation level reached through the closed-loop tests performed with RCU and camera hardware in the loop

Presentation materials