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Space Rider: Avionics, GNC & SW architecture & challenges

17 Nov 2021, 15:05
Let's Get Digital (Virtual)

Let's Get Digital



Mr Aleix Hernandez (ESA/ESRIN)Mr Gianluca Curti (ESA)Mr Olivier Rombout (ESA)


Space Rider is a reusable spacecraft platform for multiple commercial and institutional application (microgravity, IOV/IOD, sience, robotics) able to perform in-orbit payload operations, de-orbit, re-enter and land on ground and be relaunched after limited refurbishment.

Main challenges from the programme are the reusability and re-fliability as well as the commercialisation of a novel service

The GNC function manages in a full autonomous sequence the coasting, entry and TAEM (Terminal Area Energy Management) phases with elevons and thursters control, a descent phase with parachute as well as the final approach & soft touchdown landing phases with parafoil control.

Presentation materials