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Re-usable high reliability computer for autonomous missions

17 Nov 2021, 16:00
Let's Get Digital (Virtual)

Let's Get Digital



Mr Ruben Willems (QinetiQ)


The presentation is about A re-usable high reliability computer for autonomous missions (formally know as PNEXT and nowadays as ADPMS3).

ADPMS stands for Advance Data and Power Management System, and is actually a family of products. Besides the high reliable computer (that I will present today), it also features aMass Memory Module, a Power Condition Unit, a Remote Terminal Unit, and whatever the future will bring us. Due to a variety of interfaces, ADPMS is also compatible with a lot of third-party products making this a great solution for a lot of missions. Duringthe presentation, we will only focus on the ADPMS OBC.

It all started in 2001 as a Compact PCI System and has ever since a very successful portfolio. It is the main on-board computer for the Proba2 and Proba V missions and will serveas the main OBC in Proba3 as well. Even though some of these missions has long reached their lifetime, the ADPMS2 OBC has now accumulated over 15 years of flawless operation and is nowadays easily recognized as being RTL9. Unfortunately, due to its designthat aged quite well, some parts became obsolete so it was time to update it to ADPMS3. The drastic change in mechanics and electronics, resulted in an ADPMS3 OBC that is more powerful, and more affordable to manufacture while maintaining the heritage from the previous design.

The hot redundant ADPMS3 OBC (used in our IBDM) is currently in its qualification campaign under the direct supervision of ESA in the frame of the IBDM project, and is currently atTRL7. The cool redundant version of OBC, along with the other ADPMS3 PCDU and RTU products, are due to complete the qualification campaign under the supervision of ESA, later this year.

Presentation materials