Chris Taylor
(ESA/Data Systems Division)
14/02/2014, 11:40
The CCSDS file transfer standard – CFDP and the CCSDS file and packet store Standard were developed specifically to support mission requiring file based operations. CFDP is now a well-accepted file transfer standard in wide usage by many missions. As part of the normal review cycle of CCSDS recommendations CFDP is now under update, firstly to remove features that are better supported by new...
Serge Valera
14/02/2014, 12:00
The ECSS WG responsible for producing the draft of the ECSS-E-ST-70-41C Telemetry and Telecommand Packet Utilisation standard is currently finalising the draft for public review.
This presentation, tailored for this SAVOIR event, presents:
the file related capabilities introduced in this new version of the Standard, and
the status of the on-going WG assessment related to retaining in PUS C the...