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27–28 Oct 2022
Bordeaux, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
All the presentations are now available for download.

Numerical Simulation of the Interaction between a Free-flying Ring and a Curved Shock Wave - DLR ATD3 Test Case Results

27 Oct 2022, 10:20
Bordeaux, France

Bordeaux, France

Presentation Test Case Campaign 2022 Test Case Collaboration Campaign 2022


Dr Bodo Reimann (German Aerospace Center (DLR))


The DLR results of the ATD3 test case 2022 will be presented. The interaction of a free-flying ring with a two-dimensional curved shock wave has been simulated using the DLR TAU code. The flow solver was coupled with a 6-DoF motion module, dynamic grid adaptation has been used to capture the shock waves. A comparison between the numerical results and the experimental test case data will be presented and discussed.

Primary author

Dr Bodo Reimann (German Aerospace Center (DLR))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.