Oct 27 – 28, 2022
Bordeaux, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
All the presentations are now available for download.


Keynote Speech: The next step for destructive re-entry experiments - Dr. Stijn Lemmens (ESA)

Oct 27, 2022, 5:10 PM
Bordeaux, France

Bordeaux, France


Stijn Lemmens has been working for ESA’s Space Debris Office since 2011. His work has a strong focus on the analyses related to space debris mitigation and space traffic coordination, and their implementation in mission design, licensing, and operational processes in an international context. One of the major scientific problems in this field comes from the limited understanding of the physics associated with destructive re-entries. As such he is actively involved in the definition and running of projects to bring design for demise and break-up modelling from the scientists to the stakeholders.

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