Savoir Day: Morning
Savoir Day: Afternoon
The presentation will introduce the Space Avionics Open Interface (SAVOIR) initiative, the main outputs, the status on the work plan, and the trends, as an introduction to the following working group specific presentations.
The presentation introduces this new SAVOIR working group, motivated by the recent use of the protocols above the space data link layers, such as CFDP, Bundle Protocol and LTP. These protocols challenge the architecture of the communications function, which will become central, multi-protocol and multi-link. SAVOIR must study and evaluate the impact on the reference on-board architecture, as...
The SAVOIR-Autocode working group has produced last year a handbook on the autocoding of Simulink models. It includes a set of cosing guidelines. ESA has entrusted TAS to implement the corresponding rule checker, that is the subject of this presentation.
Located at the cross road of Model Based System Engineering and Avionics, the Electronic Data Sheet is a key exchange format between disciplines and in the Supply Chain, materializing the concept of "exchange' or "interface" of the Space System Ontology. Many work have been done around EDS, whether in CCSDS standardisation, in SAVOIR investigation, or in some project utilisation. The...
A workshop should have been held on 24/10 (the day before), aiming at gathering the CubeSat and the SAVOIR community in an attempt to investigate how SAVOIR could benefit and help the CubeSat avionics. The presentation is a debriefing of this workshop.
Two new ECSS standards will soon supersede the still in effect ECSS-Q-ST-60-02C (2008) “ASIC and FPGA development”:
- ECSS-E-ST-20-40 “ASIC, FPGA and IP Core engineering”
- ECSS-Q-ST-60-02C Rev.1 “ASIC, FPGA and IP Core product assurance”
These two new standards will finish going through Public Review in Oct 18th 2022, therefore anyone can review the drafts and submit request for...
In parallel of the ECSS standardisation for ASIC, FPGAs, and IPCores, the Space Software Engineering Standard ECSS-E-ST-40C has been revised. Some harmonisation has been done, but also several new topics are now addressed in this Revision 1. The presentation presents a synthesis of the changes implemented in the latest revision of the ECSS software engineering standard.
The presentation gives a flavour of the work perform by the Competence Domain 3 to produce the Avionics contribution to the TDE plan 2023-2024 and the GSTP compendium.
The SAVOIR Reference Architecture had been made with the background of an existing physical architecture based on an OBC, RTU and Mass Memory boxes. The model based technique allows to separate clearly the functional and the physical architectures, and to identify the functional chains within the avionics. The presentation introduces the Capella modelling performed in view of updating the...
The variability observed in the various Power subsystem architectures in projects works against the notion of product line that SAVOIR promotes. In a similar way as the functional avionics, the SAVOIR-Power group performed a model based functional reference architecture of the Power subsystem, subject to this presentation.
Several models are now used to develop the avionics, from the system models (MBSE) to the Avionics models presented before, and up to the Software models (MBSwE) and the microelectronics models. To ensure the consistency between these models along the development life cycle, the digital continuity must be established. The presentation introduces the various elements that have been...
This session addresses the benefits and challenges of the digital continuity system-avionics-hardware-software, through the experience and needs of the SAVOIR Advisory Group members, as a panel discussion