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16 September 2022
ESTEC + Teams
Europe/Paris timezone


"Mine the Belt" challenge

16 Sept 2022, 11:25
Einstein (ESTEC + Teams)


ESTEC + Teams

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Emmanuel Blazquez (European Space Agency), Alexander Hadjiivanov (European Space Agency), Dario Izzo (Advanced Concepts Team), Marcus Märtens (ESA), Pablo Gómez (European Space Agency)
16/09/2022, 11:25
Albert López i Serrano, Christian Blum (IIIA-CSIC), Guillem Rodríguez i Corominas (IIIA-CSIC), Mehmet Anil Akbay (IIIA-CSIC), Roberto Maria Rosati (University of Udine)
16/09/2022, 11:35
Felix Lanfermann (Honda Research Institute Europe), Nils Einecke (Honda Research Institute Europe), Steffen Limmer (Honda Research Institute Europe)
16/09/2022, 11:50
Sébastien Goulet (CS Group), Vincent Debout (CS Group)
16/09/2022, 12:05
Building timetable...